ATT Wireless Call
Drop List banner, heading the ATTWS Dropped Call List which details
places, areas, roads, and locations where AT&T Wireless's service (voice
and data) drops calls, disconnects, and/or experiences service

An Updated List of Locations, Places, Areas, and Roads where AT&T Wireless Drops or Disconnects Calls and Regularly Experiences Poor Coverage and Service

Last Update: 12/26/2024

This list is intended to provide a consolidated state-by-state reference to a series of posts, messages, and other observations as to dropped calls, disconnects/poor handoffs, uplink/downlink muting, and poor service and coverage issues on the AT&T Wireless network in the US.

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This list strives to provide a detailed and accurate list of AT&T drops, disconnects, or other service/quality related issues on the AT&T Wireless GSM network in the United States.

Update August 19th, 2021:IMBECILES! AT&T Wireless are just utter, moronic, imbeciles! Why?:

We have a number of prepaid accounts on 3G phones, which mainly sit in our cars so that in case we need to call AAA or some emergency happens on the road, we know for sure there is a -working- phone in the car.

So what do the geniuses at AT&T Wireless do? They turned the phones off for outgoing calls to force us to call them so they can tell us they are turning off the 3G network in January 2022 (if you believe that date/time-frame; Verizon said the same thing and they kept pushing it back as well, likely in part due to the epidemic).

So of course when we need the phone, it desn't work, and you have to wait for 90 minutes, broken down on the side of the road, to speak to someone who will tell you that your phone isn't working - get this - "to improve your reliability"! Hey, idiots at AT&T, how about just keep the phone, you know, like working to help with the reliability, eh?

We know from experience that other carriers, like Verizon, are often heavy-handed in their network/equipment upgrades (less so lately with Verizon due to the pandemic), but they NEVER pull this utter idiocy of turning off outgoing calls to force you to speak to them! Are the cheap morons at AT&T Wireless just trying to save a stamp to give you notice by mail? Or, like, well, maybe since it's a -phone- to, umm, sort of like call you to tell you? (But with all the offshore people they use these days, nice as they may be, it is often very hard to understand what they are saying, and more importantly, AT&T doesn't seem to train them too well, nor furnish them with the necessary (online) tools to resolve anything but the most simple of customer issues.)

At the very least we expect compensation for the lines we have with them which were unable to make calls, and it may very well be that the turning off of outgoing calls, for fully-paid customers in good standing is a violation of Federal administrative rules, and/or Federal and State law, so if there are any class-action law firms out there who are interested in finding aggrieved plaintiffs, feel free to contact us!

Administratively, we'll be filing a complaint with the FCC about this, and we'd suggest anyone else who has been affected by this moronic policy to do so by phone at (888) 225-5322, or online at:

October, 2021 update: The same thing happened two more times, roughly two weeks apart - AT&T Wireless prevented calls from going out on multiple phones until one would speak to their prepaid customer service, who would again tell you that the 3G service was being discontinued in Feb, 2022. So even though a given customer has had their phone blocked by AT&T Wireless, and has then been informed about the 3G shutdown months away, AT&T continues, roughly every two weeks, to turn off the same customer's phone. So what could the point of this be? Are they actively trying to shed customers? Or upselling data service with the new phones they are handing out, ostensibly for free?

Now, back to the regular discussion of AT&T Wireless, written more or less before they became so idiotic and impossible to deal with! (It really shouldn't take 90 minutes to get a hold of someone at 8PM at turn on accounts in good standing and all paid up... which should never have been turned off to begin with...):

AT&T Wireless, like Verizon, is composed on many older/legacy cellular carriers, such as (Cingular (for a while internally referred to as "AT&T orange"), AT&T Wireless (the 1990's PCS incarnation which was first of offern unlimited airtime and long-distance, or "AT&T blue"), Southwestern Bell Cellular, BellSouth Mobile Services, Pac*Tel Mobile Services, and many A-side "Cellular One" properties, generally in more rural areas), and the disparity of the various provenances between its formative carriers still shows vis a vis drops, disconnects, call-quality issues, and other problems, often times between the historic market boundries of the formerly separate carriers (but by no means to the same extent as similar boundy problems continue to manifest themselves with Verizon Wireless and the resultant drops on their network).

Additionally, we're not sure if this a function of the GSM protocol which AT&T Wireless employs (unlikely, since in Europe, which was mainly GSM, this wasn't a problem) or just a result of poor engineering, but there are many, many places where Verizon (which uses the CDMA protocol) doesn't drop, but where AT&T, after over 30 years of providing cellular service (first analog, then digital), still can't seem to remedy and where calls continue to drop. As both Verizon and AT&T Wireless in many cases were the two initial carriers in many markets (an "A"/non-wireline or landline carrier, and a "B"/wireline (local telco) carrier), and both were given the highly valued 800MHz frequencies (which penetrate buildings and work well in topographically challenging areas, like hills, valleys, etc.), it seems odd that AT&T Wireless should suffer proportionally greater number of drops - and drops in rather obvious areas (such as major roads and large cities) with their 800MHz segment of spectrum than other smaller carriers (such as Sprint and T-Mobile), who have generally a portfolio of less desireable frequencies and significantly smaller coverage footprints.

As an aside (and as evidence that we are agnostic as to protocol which a carrier uses, CDMA, GSM, or otherwise), we generally like the GSM protocol as it seems to offer to closest approximation to analog cellular or traditional (POTS) landline service without the "electronic", "mechanized" sounding distortion found with many other digital cellular protocols (such as Verizon and Sprint's CDMA), and suffers the least amount of latency (the time delay from when you speak into a digital cellular phone to when you are heard on the other end; if two cell phones are involved or a VoIP phone is involved then the delay can be much longer; see the digital cellular latency page for details).

We find any delay or distortion of digital (cellular) telephony to be distractive, annoying, and not at all conducive to normal conversation that one would expect on a traditional landline (or analog cellular) phone. Thus, there is a distinct preference for GSM over CDMA, TDMA, iDEN and other digital protocols as it seems to be the least affected by these issues. (To test this, call from a traditional landline phone to a GSM-based cellphone, such as AT&T Wireless or T-Mobile, and note the delay. Then place the same call to a CDMA-based cellphone, such as Verizon or Sprint, and note that delay, which in almost all cases will be longer. If multiple cellphones are in use, the delays increase accordingly.)

In any event, digital cellular protocols nonwithstanding (the closer to a landline-sounding, no-latency call, the better), despite what AT&T boasts (boasted? see the next paragraph) on countless billboards as to their having the "Fewest Dropped Calls" in a given market, as we noted above, we tend to find that as compared to Verizon (which has it's share of problems; see the Verizon Dropped Call List and the Verizon Express Network Data Drops List), AT&T has a significantly greater number of dropped, distorted, muted, or otherwise problematic call locations/areas, those of which we have detected and tested are summarized below.

In fact, in 2007, after spending large sums of money proudly proclaiming the "fewest dropped calls", taken from what appears to have been a cherry-picked report from a company called "Telephia" (which reportedly drives around in trucks measuring coverage but won't further discuss its methodologies), AT&T Wireless quietly changed its advertising slogan to "More bars in more places". Even if that were the case, eg, that AT&T's signal is stronger in more places than its competitors (which our results indicate quite the opposite in many cases!), what that has to do with actual coverage quality is questionable - an AT&T Wireless customer can get a "5-bar" reading on their phone but still experience so much circuit congestion that calls don't go through or drop when they need to hand off from tower to tower! Even now in late 2015, AT&T Wireless still has many, many more drops and problem areas in our combined experiences, and it's surprising that very little has been done in more than 8 years since the "fewest dropped call" promotion was vicerally challenged and removed. (The claim was clearly and obviously not true based on our rather extensive use and those who wrote/write in that it seemed a preposterous and ludicrous boast; it's almost as if AT&T had spent a billion dollars advertising "The sky is GREEN!" when anyone could have just looked up and seen it was as blue as ever... While in 2019 this unfortunately seems acceptable public relations hype to the intellectually lazy, we prefer objective, evidence-based, factual appraisals, and while AT&T Wireless has in fact improved coverage since the "fewest dropped calls" campaign in 2007, and Verizon has (unfortunately) been suffering an increasing number of drops in previously drop-free areas, there are still significantly more drops on ATT - especially in suburban and exurban areas - than with Verizon.)

Thus, the following list is a series of drops and service problems on AT&T Wireless which we personally experienced and verified. See the disclaimer below for all the caveats, etc., but we suspect that at least in the areas covered, the list is a generally accurate representation of problem areas and drops on AT&T's wireless network.

(Note: More attentive readers may also note that despite the significant number of drops which are experienced on AT&T's network, the Verizon Dropped Call List (Voice) may at times have more drops listed than those listed here on the ATT dropped call list - in fact, as of late 2015 there are about 1/3 more drops on the Verizon dropped call list than the AT&T list. Isn't this somewhat contradictory? Well, no, since we find Verizon by far to be the most "drop-free" network (it has its fair share of problems to be sure, but by far Verizon Wireless offers the best coverage and fewest drops in the areas where we've tested/use them), and as a result we use them to a significantly greater extent than AT&T, Sprint or T-Mobile, so the areas covered on the Verizon list are generally far greater than those of the other lists, hence the greater number of drops there. (In the same way that someone who drives 1 million miles a year may have more accidents than someone who drives 10 miles a year, but the million mile driver can be a safer driver than the 10 mile a year one - the million mile driver's accident/miles driven ratio is likely a lot lower than the 10 mile a year motorist.))


The criteria for a drop being "worthy" :) of getting posted are:

  • Drop occurs at least 3 times traveling in the same direction (i.e., Eastbound on a given road)
  • Drops occur over a period of more than a month, e.g., if a drop or difficulty is detected on 05/01/2005 it still needs to drop or evidence the given difficulty on 06/01/2005 in order to be posted.
  • Drops are moving drops in areas of strong coverage, i.e., these aren't "I can't get coverage when I sit in my living room corner" situations, but areas where there is otherwise good coverage and the phone just for no apparent reason drops. (This doesn't just pertain to motorists and roads; we also list AT&T Wireless call drops on Amtrak and commuter rail services, parks, and other areas without vehicular traffic, etc.)
  • Drops are in areas of otherwise good coverage, e.g., the drops listed are not in regional areas where AT&T has no coverage. Thus, there are no posts saying "My AT&T Wireless call dropped on I-91 crossing the MA/VT line" since AT&T doesn't cover there, yet.
Please feel free to submit your drop/reset experiences with Verizon which meet the above guidelines so that we can provide a more comprehensive list. Contact information for this list is provided at the end of this page.

Additionally, if you feel that an item is incorrect, please let us know the specifics of your experiences in the given area so we can test it and modify the list accordingly.


Disclaimer/Note: The authors have nothing to do with AT&T Wireless other than using a few of their phones and/or data products as paying subscribers. While we will try to keep these lists current, you should test them out for yourself and not use this as a dispositive and authoritative source of information as to AT&T's cellular service (or lack thereof). In other words, these are just our and/or other's observations -- we try to be accurate, but we make no representations other than what we have observed (and if others notice we are wrong about a given drop or cellular/data service difficulty, please mail us so we can test the drop and modify the list accordingly.)

Ordering Note: Lists are alphabetically organized, first by state and then by counties within states. In some cases, large Metropolitan areas which span a multiple set of counties, states or boundaries are listed as separate entities (such as New York City).

Certain subway systems (such as DC Metro) are organized by line and are considered subcategories within the primary city in which they are contained.

AT&T Wireless Dropped Call List by State


  • Alameda County, Hayward: While transitioning from southbound I-880 to CA-92, AT&T Wireless calls drop upon arrival at the toll plaza for the San Mateo Bridge. Last occurred on 01/19/2007.
  • Los Angeles County, Los Angeles/Hollywood: ATT Wireless calls drop just off of US-101/Ventura Freeway heading off the SB Barnham exit (near the In and Out). Drops occur more often during periods of traffic congestion and are much less prevalent at night with relatively light traffic, and thus it does not seem to be an engineering issue. Additionally, Verizon doesn't seem to experience any drops in the same area, regardless of the time of day/traffic conditions in the area. Last observed: 11/16/2015
  • Los Angeles County, Los Angeles/Hollywood: AT&T Wireless calls drop near the JCT (intersection) of Mulholland Drive and Las Alturas Street, generally heading up/down the hill from Las Alturas slighlty north/above the end of Las Alturas at Mulholland. This ATT drop has been evident nearly forever - way before AT&T Wireless took over, going back to when LA Cellular operated the A-license in the Los Angeles Market. Last observed: 05/10/2016
  • Los Angeles County, Los Angeles/Inglewood: AT&T Wirless calls drop at the JCT of San Diego Freeway/I-405 and Century Blvd. generally within a mile of the intersection (on either the north or south side). Calls will begin to sound attenuated and will drop within a mile of either direction of the intersection. Most recent instance occurred on 03/11/2007.
  • Riverside County, Riverside: ATT calls regularly drop while traveling either north or south on Washington St. at the corner of Saddleback Rd. Most recent instance noted on 10/29/2008.
  • Connecticut

    ...or click here for additional details.

  • Fairfield County, Brookfield: Drops occur at the JCT of CT-125 and CT-133. Most recent instance occurred on 09/09/2010.
  • Fairfield County, Greenwich: ATT Wireless drops calls on the Merritt Parkway/CT-15 at Exit 29 in Greenwich. Initial drop occurred on 02/02/2005. Most recently occurred on 01/07/2007. As of 10/31/2008, this drop appears to be fixed, as does an entire stretch from just south of Exit 22 for Mamaroneck Rd. in New York on the Hutchinson River Parkway continuously into the state of Connecticut and then up to (at least) Mile Marker 22/Exit 49 in the Fairfield/Trumbull area. Should continued drive tests indicate that these drops have been permanently resolved, this drop will be moved to the Corrected Items section of this list. As of Nov 2015, the southbound drop still occurs, with the typical slow drop starting with attenuation near the old Greenwich toll plaza, and by the time the southbound service station is reached, the call is inaudible and drops crossing the CT/NY border in NY state.) January 2017 update: AT&T Wireless calls still drop on The Merritt/Hutchinson River Parkway southbound at the CT/NY state line (between Exit 27 in Ct and Exit 29 in NY), while northbound calls hold and do not drop as per the above. As noted above, this have been going since since AT&T was "Metro One" (NYC/00025) and CT was "Metro Mobile" (CT/00119) since the late 1980's. Nice to see AT&T Wireless is so on top of things that after 30 years they still can't remedy the southbound drop, but knowing AT&TWS, they think we should all just be quiet and be thankful that northbound calls no longer drops and be happy with that! Most recent instance occurred: 01/15/2017.
  • Fairfield County, Greenwich: ATT drops occur while driving on the Connecticut Turnpike/I-95 at Exit 3 (Arch St), more typically in the northbound direction. Most recent instance occurred on 12/15/2009.
  • Fairfield County, New Canaan: ATT drops occur while driving on CT-123 approximately one mile north of the JCT with CT-106. Most recent instance occurred on 02/28/2016.
  • Fairfield County, Sandy Hook: AT&T Wireless calls drop or "mute out" (either the uplink or downlink or both parties can not hear the other) along I-84 from mile market 13.5 to Exit 10/Church Hill Rd (mile marker 11). Most recent instance occurred on 11/23/2015.
  • Fairfield County, Shelton: AT&T Wireless drops calls on CT-8 between Exit 14 and Exit 13 as CT-8 crosses over the Naugatuck River, calls mute out and then drop. Most recent instance occurred on 05/09/2010.
  • Fairfield County, Stamford: AT&T Wireless calls drop on the Merritt Parkway at the JCT with CT-137/High Ridge Road. A new drop which appears to have started around the time that AT&T introduced LTE. Most recent instance occurred on 08/26/2020.
  • Fairfield County, Westport: AT&T Wireless drops occur on I-95 between Exits 17 and 18 (which is the Sherwood Island Beach Access Road). Most recent drop instance instance occurred on 01/12/2007. More recently, it has been observed that instances of severe muting and distortion occur here. While no drop occurred, the muting and distortion were so bad that the call had to be abandoned. Most recent muting/distortion instance occurred on 06/14/2009.
  • Hartford County, Bloomfield: AT&T Wireless call drops occur on CT-218 just north of the JCT of CT-218 and CT-185. Most recent instance occurred on 02/23/2010.
  • Hartford County, Bristol: AT&T Wireless drops occur on I-84 at the JCT of CT-72. Last occurred on 03/24/2006.
  • Hartford County, Enfield: Calls placed on AT&T Wireless attenuate to the point where barely anything can be heard while driving on I-91 in the vicinity of Exit 47 in Enfield. Call occasionally they drop while other times the connection holds, but it is generally an area of poor coverage. Most recent instance occurred on 04/13/2010.
  • Hartford County, Glastonbury: When traveling south on CT-17, the area near JCT CT-66 to CT-151 to CT-149 to CT-82 has such poor coverage that a given call cannot be maintained for any significant period of time. Similar drops occur when using Nextel, but Verizon is generally better (but it too needs work there). Most recent instance occurred on 03/20/2006.
  • Hartford County, Hartford: Calls drop just north of Hartford on I-91 and slightly south of exit 35 (which is the JCT of I-91 and I-291) while traveling north. Most recent instance occurred on 10/30/2006.
  • Hartford County, Southington: AT&T Wireless calls disconnect along I-84 approximately 1 mile west of the JCT with Queen St/CT-10. Most recent instance occurred on 02/28/2016.
  • Hartford County, Windsor: AT&T Wireless drops occur on I-91 at the Bradley Airport connector (which is CT-20) at Mile Marker 48.2. Most recent instance occurred on 05/13/2007.
  • Litchfield County, Bantam: AT&T Wireless disconnects and drops calls at the JCT of US-202 and CT-341 (which comes from NY State and ends at the JCT with US-202), due to poor coverage south of the US-202/CT-341 junction/intersection, and the poor ATTWS coverage continues southwards along US-202 until the JCT with CT-41. There is effectively no useful coverage between CT-341 in Bantam and CT-41 in northern New Milford. Most recently observed: 08/22/2023
  • Litchfield County, Canaan: AT&T Wireless calls drop along CT-63 from Goshen, traveling northwest towards Canaan. While coverage in Goshen is acceptable, it begins to deteriorate heading uphill along CT-63 towards Canaan (and US-7), and at the JCT of CT-43 has little to no coverage at all. Coverage doesn't resume until nearly the end of CT-63, south of the junction with US-7. Most recently observed: 08/22/2023.
  • Litchfield County, Cornwall: AT&T Wireless calls drop along CT-43, just north of JCT CT-4, on the way up to CT-63 and Canaan, CT. While service isn't great along CT-43 north of CT-4, most of the rest of CT-43 is drop-free (although with the poor coverage it's hard to actually converse). Verizon Wireless drops in the same spot as well, while Sprint and T-Mobile have no coverage at all in the area (typically, of course). Most recently observed: 07/07/2019.
  • Litchfield County, Cornwall: AT&T drops calls along CT-128/Sharon-Goshen Turnpike, at/near the JCT with CT-125 (which heads south to JCT CT-4 in Cornwall). Verizon Wireless doesn't drop there, and, of course, Sprint and T-Mobile have no coverage and are typically useless there (or in any other semi-rural, hilly area, it seems). Most recently observed: 07/07/2019.
  • Litchfield County, Cornwall: AT&T Wireless drops calls along CT-4 into CT-43, past the JCT with CT-128, norteastwards along Cornwall Hollow Rd/CT-43 the JCT with CT-63/Hollenbeck Road. There is barely any coverage along the entire strecth of road, with both voice calls and data sessions (the same thing with the 2023 switch to 4G/LTE) dropping multiple times along the route, and AT&T Wireless's coverage being more or less useless in the area. Most recently observed: 08/23/2023.
  • Litchfield County, Cornwall Bridge: AT&T Wireless drops calls along US-7 at the JCT with CT-4. Calls initiated in Kent or even further north at Kent Falls State Park will drop upon reaching CT-4, and southbound calls on ATT which are initiated in Canaan will hold all the way down to Cornwall Bridge/CT-4 and then drop at the stop sign where US-7 merges for a short distance with CT-4. Most recently observed on: 09/04/2018
  • Litchfield County, Gaylordsville: AT&T Wireless coverage drops at the NY/CT line along NY/CT-55, and doesn't resume for about three miles heading east on CT-55 until the vicinity of the JCT with US-7, where coverage resumes. Unlike Verizon, which will hold at times with an external antenna (on cloudy days!), AT&T Wireless calls voice will not hold even with the same external equipment, although data sessions will hold on cloudy days (where signal propogation is better) or with an external antenna. With the forced transition to 4G/5G LTE, where all voice conversation is data (Voice over IP) based, the distinction between voice and data is less meaningful, but even in 2024, AT&T Wireless voice calls will still drop just east of the NY/CT line along NY-55, while data sessions can be "coaxed" to old if one drives fast enough and positions the phone or data device so as to maximize signal reception. But it's still hit-and-miss, which in 2024 it shouldn't have to be... Most recent instance occurred on 04/10/2024.
  • Litchfield County, Kent: Drops occur just west of JCT of US-7 and CT-341, between the Kent School (where coverage is OK) to just before entering the state of New York. (The reverse is ture for calls transiting between NY to CT.) Most recent instance occurred on 08/22/2023.
  • Litchfield County, Kent: AT&T Wireless calls suffer audio drop-outs and/or complete drops on CT-341/Segar Mountain Road just east of US-7 in downtown Kent, heading east up CT-341's steep hill. (The hill is so tall, that when analog and later TDMA/digital cellular was still running, calls placed heading east/"up" the hill would pick up the A-side Kingston/NY system!). This series of drops along CT-341 became evident post 3G shutdown in 2022, and seem to be part of an overall pattern of voice traffic being "de-prioritized" inasmuch that when voice is forced over LTE, there needs to be a good data connection, or the voice path just drops for a few seconds, or entirely, depending on how long the lack of data service lasts. Pre-LTE, that is, with just (non-LTE) circuit-switched 4G and earlier protocols (3G, 2G, and analog), AT&T Wireless (and the previous owners of the A-side Litchfield 10111 market) didn't drop heading east/"up" the CT-341 hill until coverage was lost at the apex; now, there are audio drop-outs and drops all the way up. Most recent instance occurred on 07/11/2023.
  • Litchfield County, Lakeville: Poor AT&T Wireless coverage along CT-41 north of JCT CT-112 up to US-44 in Lakeville. Heading northwards past the Hotchkiss School, AT&T calls will drop heading downhill before reaching US-44 is downtown Lakeville. (And of course Sprint and T-Mobile have no coverage in the area, while Verizon Wireless has a similar drop in nearly the same location just south of CT-41 hitting US-44.) Most recent instance observed: 07/07/2019.
  • Litchfield County, Lime Rock/Salisbury: AT&T Wireless calls drop along CT-112, and experience generally poor to no coverage from the eastern JCT at US-7, to the CT-112's western terminus at the JCT of US-44, just east of the CT/NY state line. First observed 07/20/2015, most recent instance occurred on 07/07/2019.
  • Litchfield County, Litchfield: AT&T Wireless call drops/disconnects occur on CT-341 approximately three or four miles west of US-202. Coverage does not resume until the JCT of CT-341 and CT-45. First observed in late 2004, most recent instance occurred on 04/26/2016.
  • Litchfield County, New Milford: AT&T Wireless drops calls along US-7 in the vicinity of the Walmart and Stop&Shop along the west side of US-7, most drops occuring between Dodd Rd and Cedar Knolls Rd along US-7. Most recent instance occurred on 11/23/2015.
  • Litchfield County, Norfolk/East Canaan: AT&T Wireless call drops occur along US-44, between the JCT with CT-272 in Norfolk, heading west uphill over to East Canaan. Coverage degrades approaching the apex of US-44 between Norfolk and East Canaan, and doesn't maintain (eg, drops) heading down/westward to East Canaan. Typical poor wireless coverage in Litchfield County, but AT&T (and Verizon) are certainly better than Sprint and T-Mobile, both of which have virtually no coverage in the area at all. The top tier carriers (AT&T and Verizon) still need to make dramatic improvements in the area, both of whom have significant areas of no coverage and poor service, and yet even as of 2023 both seem to be making very slow progress (if any) to correct. Most recently observerd: 08/22/2023
  • Litchfield County, Norfolk: AT&T drops calls along US-44, just east of the JCT with CT-182. While data sessions will hold if driving fast enough along US-44, voice calls (which these days are just data anyhow using more or less SIP) will drop heading eather east or west along US-44. Most recently observed: 08/27/2023
  • Litchfield County, Roxbury: Drops occur while traveling on CT-67 approximately two miles north of the JCT of CT-172 and approximately one mile north of Woodbury town line. Calls initiated while on CT-67 at the JCT of CT-172 will deteriorate while approaching the Woodbury town line. They will subsequently drop altogether approximately a mile north of there. Most recent instance occurred on 10/17/2007.
  • Litchfield County, Sharon: AT&T Wireless drops occur along CT-343, from the NY/CT border, up the hill past Sharon Valley Rd and Sharon Hospital, to the JCT with CT-41 (where CT-343 ends). Audio mutes out for most of the segment, and data pings stop as well. This poor coverage also continues further east on the same road, now CT-4 (east of JCT CT-41) / Cornwall Bridge Road, to US-7, and even further east as CT-4/Furnace Brook Road into Cornwall. Most recent instance occurred on 08/23/2023.
  • Litchfield County, Sharon: ATT Wireless calls drop and experience poor coverage along CT-4/Cornwall Bridge Road, between US-7 (Cornwall Bridge) and CT-41 (Sharon) in a number of locations, one being at the intersection with Dunbar Road. There is little AT&T Wireless coverage between the CT-41 and US-7 segment endpoints, and calls initiated at each end drop repeatedly traveling from one "side" of the CT-4 segment to the other. Last observed: 08/23/2023.
  • Litchfield County, Sharon: ATT Wireless calls drop along CT-41, halfway between the JCT with CT-112/Lime Rock Rd. (at the Hotchkiss School) and the town of Sharon. ATT Wireless' coverage drops where CT-41 travels north-south along the crest of a ridge and has a 50 MPH zone, perhaps 1/2 of a mile south of where the first southbound 50MPH sign appears. This drop did not occur prior to the 3G retirement, and occurs on 4G/LTE connections. Last observed: 08/22/2023
  • Litchfield County, Litchfield/Warren: Drops occur on CT-341 approximately 1/2 of a mile west of US-202 (which is where CT-341 starts its westward path towards Warren and Kent), passing. Coverage does not resume until the "stinking farm" near the JCT of CT-341 and CT-45. Even in 2023, after the 4G/LTE migration, there is still no coverage for 4 or 5 milesalong CT-341! It's been over 35 years since cellular service started - why can't this road be properly covered??? Most recent instance occurred on 07/11/2023.
  • Middlesex County, Cromwell: Drops occur on CT-9 at Exit 21. Most recent instance occurred on 09/07/2008.
  • Middlesex County, Haddam: While driving on CT-9, coverage begins to drop approximately a mile and a half north of Exit 7 and will drop upon arrival at Exit 7 going both northbound and southbound. Coming from the south may be different, in that calls start degrading at Exit 7 and subsequently drop a mile and a half north of it. Most recent instance occurred on 08/24/2007.
  • Middlesex County, Middletown: AT&T Wireless drops occur at Exit 10 on CT-9, which is the apex of a hill just before Exit 10. Most recent instance occurred on 09/22/2015
  • Middlesex County, Middletown: AT&T Cellular drops occur on CT-9 while traveling southbound directly at the traffic light with CT-66 (which is under the Portland Bridge) on 08/04/2006. Most recent instance occurred on 01/07/2007.
  • Middlesex County, Old Saybrook: Drops occur at Exit 67 on I-95. Most recent instance occurred on 09/07/2008.
  • Middlesex County, Old Saybrook: Drops occur on CT-9 at Mile Marker 1, slightly north of the I-95 interchange. Calls tend to mute out and subsequently drop. This is not to be confused with the I-95 drop that occurs in the Old Saybrook area (see the drop immediately below). Most recent instance occurred on 08/17/2008.
  • Middlesex County, Westbrook: Coverage problems arise while driving approximately 70mph either northbound or southbound directions on I-95, slightly west of Old Saybrook and about a mile and a half or two miles north of Exit 65 near "F-troop" (CT troop F) and also near the JCT with CT-153. While calls do not drop, audio dropouts so severe will occur in this area that neither party can hear the other for a period of approximately thirty seconds. Most recent instance occurred on 06/17/2007.
  • New Haven County, Beacon Falls: Drops occur while driving on CT-8 approximately one mile north of Exit 24. Most recent instance occurred on 02/27/2008.
  • New Haven County, Bethany: While driving on CT-8 in the vicinity of Exit 28, AT&T Wireless calls become so distorted that nothing can be heard. Most recent instance occurred on 06/28/2009.
  • New Haven County, Derby: Drops occur on CT-8 at Exit 15, which is near a bridge. Most recent instance occurred on 06/29/2009.
  • New Haven County, Guilford: AT&T Wireless drops occur at Mile Marker 57 on I-95 between North Branford and Guilford. Most recent instance occurred on 09/12/2010.
  • New Haven County, Guilford: AT&T Wireless drop occurs just west of the JCT of I-95 and Goose Lane. Either the uplink (talking) or downlink (listening) drops out frequently, or less frequently both stop at the same time. This and the above drop (MM 57 on I-95) are part of a series of drops, sound distortions, and mute issues in the general Guilford area along I-95 with AT&T Wireless. Verizon and Sprint suffer no such issues, while T-Mobile has not been sufficiently tested there but preliminary results appear to indicate that TMO also suffers no such infirmities, so it's a wonder why AT&T Wireless is so problematic in the area. Most recent instance ocurred on: 10/25/2015.
  • New Haven County, Madison: Calls drop while driving on I-95 at the Hammonasset connector. The drops happen at the "turtle", which is a piece of rock which sticks out on the southbound side that has been painted like a turtle. Most recent instance occurred on 05/09/2008.
  • New Haven County, Madison: Calls drop while driving on I-95 between the JCT of I-95 and CT-79 and the JCT of I-95 and Hammonasset Connector near the rest area. Most recent instance occurred on 05/09/2010.
  • New Haven County, Madison: Drops occur while driving on CT-79 at the JCT of CT-148. Most recent instance occurred on 05/09/2008.
  • New Haven County, Prospect: Mute instances occur while travelling on CT-8 at Exit 29. Most recent instance occurred on 01/25/2010.
  • New Haven County, Southbury: Coverage is very poor at Mile Marker 23.8 on I-84 approximately a mile west of the JCT of I-84 and CT-188. I-84 goes up a hill and then comes back down. While heading east on I-84, the connection begins degrading while driving up the west side of the hill. The connection does not always drop but it does start degrading. The connection is still bad while approaching the apex of the hill (which is Mile Marker 23.8). Upon reaching Mile Marker 24.2 at the apex of the hill, the connection is still bad. While descending from the apex of the hill, the phone seems to "see" the next tower and coverage appears to be normal upon reaching the JCT of I-84 and CT-188. So while the connection does not always drop, it does become so useless that it may as well drop. Most recent instance occurred on 03/06/2010.
  • New Haven County, Stratford: On CT-8 about one mile north of Exit 12 (which is Old Stratford Rd), the call does not drop but the audio mutes out on both sides. Its an audio mute issue. The audio will eventually come back in but for about 10 or 15 seconds, theres an audio mute. Most recent instance occurred on 07/12/2005.
  • New Haven County, Waterbury: AT&T Wireless calls drop on I-84 at JCT CT-8 a the "Mixmaster" interchange. Most recent instance occurred 11/23/2015.
  • New Haven County, Wallingford: AT&T Wireless calls drop on the Merritt Parkway/Wilbur Cross/CT-15 slightly west/south of the JCT with US-5. Most recent instance occurred on 03/07/2015.
  • New Haven County, Wallingford: AT&T Wireless drops occur on I-91 in the general area of the Exit 13/(Secret) CT-702/Wharton Brook Connector. (The Wharton Brook Connector is a freeway-design set of long ramps which connect I-91 to US-5 in Wallingford, much like CT-68 does to the north, but without traffic lights or cross streets. The Connector was to go to the Merritt/Wilbur Cross/CT-15 Parkway, but was never completed, and abruptly stops at US-5.) AT&T calls drop generally when passing over the stack interchange for the connector in either direction (northbound or southbound). Most recent instance occurred on: 04/20/2016.
  • New London County, Bozrah: At approximately Mile Marker 36 on CT-2, drops occur a few miles before reaching Exit 23. Most recent instance occurred on 08/17/2008.
  • Tolland County, Union: ATT Wireless drops occur while driving eastbound on I-84 approaching Exit 74, south of Sturbridge, approx. 1 mile south of the MA/CT state line. Most recent instance occurred on 03/11/2007.
  • Florida
  • Duval County, Jacksonville: AT&T Wireless drops occur at Mile Marker 249 on I-95. Last observed on 02/18/2006, reported 02/21/2006, no disposition as of yet.
  • Maryland
  • Anne Arundel County, Annapolis: Drops occur while travelling on US-50 heading east from Washington between Mile Marker 14 and Mile Marker 16, which is near Davidsonville Rd/MD-424, there is very poor coverage and calls drop. Most recent instance occurred on 08/17/2010.
  • Anne Arundel County, Rose Haven: The majority of MD-261 near the Chesapeake Bay from MD-2 is almost completely devoid of coverage on almost all carriers, except for this one which in some areas there does have coverage. Last tested on 06/16/2006.
  • Baltimore County, Avalon/Relay/Ellicott City: AT&T Wireless calls drop and suffer from very poor coverge along River Rd. on the south side and Geln Artney Rd. on the north side of the Patapsco River in the Patapsco Valley State Park. Essentially, there is little to no coverage from Relay (where the Thomas Viaduct of the B&O Railroad heads south to DC and the old main line to Point of Rocks - one of the oldest rail lines still in service in America, splits off along the Patapsco River to Ellicott City, up to I-70, and then westward) to the western edge of the park heading towards Ellicott City along a spearate section of River Road which follows the Patapsco River westwards. Interestingly, the park lies directly under I-95, and within a mile of I-195 and I-895, all of which have acdeptable coverage with all major carriers. Why the park itself is not covered (the lower elevation perhaps?) is unclear, but no carrier has acceptable level of coverage in the park, and coverage only gets better heading west along River road at the JCT with Thistle Rd. (which connects River Rd with MD-144/Frederick Rd. at a higher elevation). Last observed: 05/18/2017.
  • Baltimore County, Baltimore: AT&T Wireless calls drop while driving on I-70 at Mile Marker 89, approximately three miles west of the JCT of the Baltimore Beltway. Most recent instance occurred on 09/19/2010.
  • Baltimore County, White Marsh: AT&T Wireless service often yields a fast busy signal while traveling between Mile Markers 72 and 65 on I-95. This is two miles north of the Baltimore Beltway (I-695). This has only been witnessed occasionally and as of yet it cannot be consistently reproduced, but it is a problem if one wants to place calls around there. Last occurred on 06/28/2005.
  • Caroll County, Rocky Ridge: AT&T Wireless calls drop while driving on MD-77 approximately one mile west of the JCT of MD-77 and MD-76, which is approximately two miles west of the Monocacy River. Most recent instance occurred on 12/06/2009.
  • Charles County, Glasva: Drops occur while driving on MD-234 as it crosses over Allens Fresh Run, which is approximately a quarter of a mile east of the JCT of MD-234 and Edgewater Rd. Most recent instance occurred on 09/01/2010.
  • Charles County, Potomac Heights: AT&T Wireless calls drop at the JCT of MD-225 and MD-224. Most recent instance occurred on 09/01/2010.
  • Charles County, St. Charles: Although AT&T Wireless calls drops don't generally drop immediately, calls deteriorate to the point of being almost inaudible and then drop approximately two miles west of Aurelia Rd. on MD-6 at the JCT of MD-6 and Melody Acres Dr (upon reaching Melody Acres Dr, AT&T Wireless and Nextel have both dropped and only Verizon Wireless has coverage). Most recent instance occurred on 09/01/2010.
  • Charles County, White Plains: AT&T Wireless drops occur on US-301 between Mile Marker 18 and Mile Marker 19, approximately two or three miles south of the JCT of US-301 and Pomfret Rd/Willetts Crossing Rd/MD-227. Most recent instance occurred on 08/08/2010.
  • Frederick County, Catoctin State Park: Along MD-77, west of Thurmont, AT&T Wireless has numerous drops along MD-77, as the road traverses the hills of Catoctin State Park. Drops occur at the JCT with Catocting Hollow Road, near Cunningham Falls, and near the JCT of Pleasant Valley Road. Most recent instance occurred on 05/29/2024.
  • Frederick County, Myersville: I-70 Rest Area - Very poor ATT Wireless coverage; calls frequently drop while walking around the grounds of the rest area and inside the visitor center/maps area building. Frequently calls are distorted to the extent that they become too attennuated to make out what the party on the other end of the call is saying. Most recently observed: 05/05/2015.
  • Harford County, Havre de Grace: ATT calls drop while driving on I-95 at Mile Marker 88, which is approximately a mile south of the Havre de Grace bridge. Most recent instance occurred on 07/08/2010.
  • Howard County, Maryland House Rest Area, I-95: Coverage is very poor at the rest area and either the uplink or the downlink suffers poor voice quality so that callers and/or the called party cannot hear each other well. Most recent instance occurred on 08/15/2010.
  • Montgomery County, Bethesda: No AT&T Wireless coverage in the Bethesda Harris Teeter parking garage, nor in most of the store. Most recent instance occurred on 01/20/2024.
  • Montgomery County, Burtonsville: ATT Wirless drops calls along MD-198/Spencerville/Norebeck Rd., just west of the JCT/intersection with Old Columbia Pike. (MD-198 (and MD-28) is not not just some small road in a quiet section of eastern Montgomery County, but a heavily used means to get from I-95 aqnd US-29 in eastern Montgomery to MD-355 and I-270 in the western part of the county. This is how the Inter-County Connector (ICC)/MD-200 should have been built, but due to the usual build-nothing-anywhere-near-anyone mentality of the usual professional opposition parties who make a living opposing everything, the ICC was delayed for 30+ years, doesn't connect to US-50 or even the Baltimore/Washington Parkway/MD-295, is heavily tolled (so no one uses it), and heavily policed (so those who use it pay even more than the tolls to use it). So instead of using a safer, high-speed, multi-lane divided highway, drivers use Norebeck/MD-198/MD-28 as the most direct (and free) way to traverse the county. The lack of the Rockville Facility connection to the ICC makes it even harder for people to access the ICC, further diminishing its utility.) Calls drop approximately 1 mile west of the Old Columbia Pike intersection and have some difficulty heading east until approximately 1 mile past the JCT with US-29. Most recent instance occurred: 05/25/2016
  • Montgomery County, Gaithersburg: Calls initiated outside the DMV office near the MARC rail station quickly deteriorate upon entering the DMV office, although all other carriers do not seem to experience any problem within the confines of the building. Most recent instance occurred on 08/16/2007.
  • Montgomery County, Gaithersburg: Drops occur at the JCT of MD-355 and MD-121. Most recent instance occurred on 08/12/2010.
  • Montgomery County, Glen Echo area: While crossing the American Legion Bridge from Maryland to northern Virginia, calls initiated near the JCT of the (Washington) Beltway and I-270 degrade in the Glen Echo area and drop completely upon crossing into Virginia. Last occurred on 02/07/2007.
  • Montgomery County, Potomac: ATT Wireless calls drop while driving on River Rd/MD-190 at the JCT of Newbridge Dr. Most recent instance occurred on 11/30/2010.
  • Montgomery County, Silver Spring: Drops occur on the Capital Beltway at the JCT with University Blvd/MD-193 at Mile Marker 32.3. Most recent instance occurred on 12/30/2007.
  • Montgomery County, Spencerville: Drops occur along MD-198 in the vicinity of Thompson Rd. Most recent instance occurred on 04/16/2008.
  • Prince George's County, Greenbelt: Calls drop while driving on the Baltimore-Washington Parkway at the JCT with the Capital Beltway. Most recent instance occurred on 01/16/2008.
  • Prince George's County, Greenbelt: Drops occur while driving on the Capital Beltway near the JCT with the Baltimore-Washington Parkway/MD-295. Most recent instance occurred on 09/26/2007.
  • Prince George's County, Oakview: Calls drop while traveling on the Capital Beltway at Exit 28 (which is MD-650/New Hampshire Ave.). Most recent instance occurred on 09/26/2007.
  • Prince George's County, Upper Marlboro: Drops occur on MD-4 at the JCT with Fairhaven Rd. Most recent instance occurred on 09/26/2007.
  • Saint Mary's County, California: Coverage cuts/mutes on MD-235 starting from the JCT with MD-4 (while crossing over Solomon's Bridge) and heading north and continuing to the JCT of MD-235 and US-301. Although coverage does not drop entirely, there will be fifteen to twenty seconds of silence. Most recent instance occurred on 08/10/2010.
  • Saint Mary's County, Leonardtown: On MD-5 at the JCT of MD-5 and St. Andrews Church Rd, drops occur. Most recent instance occurred on 09/01/2010.
  • Washington County, Billmeyer Wildlife Management Area/Park: AT&T Wireless calls drop along I-68 west of Exit 64/M. V. Smith Road NE, between the exit (Mile Marker 64) and Mile Marker 65. Both AT&T Wireless and US Cellular drop here (Sprint and T-Mobile have NO coverage here, and Verizon customers roam on US Cellular -- effectively the calls of Verizon customers roaming in the area will drop as well but it's not within Verizon's control other than pressure US Cell to fix the issue). As both carriers (US Cell and ATTWS) drop here, we really can't single out AT&T Wireless for poor/weak/lacking coverage as we normally do, but it seems like a problematic drop on a major Intersate which for 20 years has not been remedied. Most recent instance occurred on 06/10/2016.
  • Washington County, Sideling Hill: AT&T Wireless calls drop along I-68 at the Sideling Hill Rest Area/Cut. The range of mountains which Sideling Hill is part of serves as a cut-off point for many carriers: Sprint, AT&T, and T-Mobile all drop at or just west of Sideling Hill or along the descent heading west of I-68 after the Sideling Hill cut (where I-68 goes through; intertestingly, the "old" I-68, US-40/National Pike, appears to have taken a more southerly route in this area and has a hairpin turn to the south of the current I-68 Sideling Cut). Note that Verizon isn't listed here as they do not cover this area; instead, US Cellular does and provides roaming for Verizon (and Sprint?) CDMA customers; US Cell does not seem to drop at Sideling Hill and is the only carrier which seems able to maintain the connection along I-68. Additionally, west of Sideling Hill, T-Mobile and Sprint have no coverage until Cumberland, MD (if that!), and thus T-Mobile customers will roam on AT&T for this segment of I-68, while Sprint post-pay customers may be able to roam on US Cellular as do Verizon customers. In any event, a predictable and fixable drop along I-68 which for whatever reason ATTWS (or its predecessors in the market) has/have been unable to remedy since the inception of cellular service. Most recent instance occurred: 06/10/2016
  • Massachusetts
  • Berkshire County, Becket: ATT calls drop (4G/4G-LTE) along US-20, heading west, just past the JCT with MA-8 in Becket, all the way uphill until the "first" Masspike/I-90 underpass (US-20 heading west from Becket passes under the Masspike many times on the way to Lee.) Coverage, even in 2023, is very spotty and drops along US-20 when not in direct line-of-sight with the Masspike, which offers much better coverage. This hasn't changed in over 20 years, and in fact, with the use of LTE, has gotten worse, and is another example of carriers sacrificing voice quality and reliability to push all their traffic over data (non cricuit switched) bandwidth. Most recent instance occurred on 07/11/2023.
  • Berkshire County, Egremont: AT&T Wireless calls (both voice and data) drop along MA-23 just east of the NY/MA line, prior to the JCT with MA-41. Until 2017, AT&T Wireless' coverage continued to experience poor service, no service, or drops while driving eastward along MA-23 until the JCT with US-7 in Great Barrington, however, in late 2017, it appears that coverage along MA-23 is very good - in fact, much better than Verizon Wireless' coverage along MA-23. Other than the drop from the "NY State Side" to the "Mass Side" which occurs around MA-41, AT&T Wireless' coverage is very good all the way to US-7, while Verizon has very poor coverage which doesn't get better until US-7. (A similar drop occurs with Verizon, and is detailed on the Verizon Dropped Call List, T-Mobile and Sprint have no coverage in the area and thus they can't have any "drops"). Most recent instance occurred on 09/09/2020.
  • Berkshire County, New Marlboro/Monterey/Great Barrington: AT&T Wireless voice/data drops as part of a large gap in coverage along MA-57 from the eastern New Marlboro town line all the way through southern Monterey (MA-23 goes through Monterey, while MA-57 runs roughly parallel to the south) onwards to the western end of MA-57 at the junction with MA-23 a few miles east of the MA-23(END)/US-7 Junction in Great Barrington. Motorists familiar with the area will know that heading westwards, this is approximately the area from where MA-57 is a potholed, horrid road (even after repaving) with a 25 MPH zone, all the way past the JCT with MA-183, and onwards to the end of MA-57 at MA-23. Effectively, there is no coverage for about 15 miles on somewhat heavily traveled state route, which is unsual for AT&T's voice service. (To be fair, no other carrier - neither Verizon, Sprint, nor T-Mobile - covers the area either.) This extensive lack of coverage along a major route may be problematic for customers of OnStar and other similar built-in auto emergency services as if they were to break down along this strech of road or suffer an emergency they may be surprised to find they have no coverage at all! (Intrewstingly, AT&T Wireless as of September 2020 does have through coverage on MA-23, and is the only carrier which does. Verizon drops in Monterey at/near the JCT with MA-57, and neither Sprint nor T-Mobile have any coverage there.) Last observed: 10/12/2015
  • Berkshire County, New Marlborough / Sheffield: AT&T Wireless coverage is very poor along Norfolk Road (a continuation in Mass of CT-272) between the CT/MA state line and MA-57 (which is part of an even greater area of poor/no coverage in southwestern Mass, see the drops along MA-57/MA-23, above). Basically, there is poor to no coverage east of US-7 in Sheffield for a large swath between the CT/MA border north to MA-23 in Montery, all the way east to MA-8. The entire area of SW Mass has such poor coverage on ALL carriers (AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile) that it's shocking (if not potentially fraudulent) that they show coverage there on their maps! Anyone traveling north of US-44 on CT-272 up to MA-57 and MA-23 should expect to have no useful coverage on ANY carrier for most of the trip after entering into Mass. Last observed: 08/23/2023.
  • Berkshire County, Savoy: At best scant coverage exists on MA-8A between the JCT of MA-116 and continuing all the way to VT-9 in the state of Vermont. Coverage remains scarce until slightly north of Coltrane and just south of VT-9. Most recent instance occurred on 05/23/2010.
  • Berkshire County, Williamstown: ATT Wireless Calls drop along US-7, just south of the Williamstown Line, at Mile Marker 44.9. Calls initiated in Pittsfield, for example, will continue northwards along US-7 until MM44.9, at which point they will drop. From the north, calls initiated at Williams College or on MA-2, and which continue south along US-7 (or MA-43 to US-7), will also drop at or slightly south of Mile Marker 44.9. Most recent instance occurred on 08/30/2018.
  • Berkshire County, Williamstown: AT&T Wireless calls drop along US-7 just north of the the JCT with MA-43. Verizon drops in the same spot as well, and of course Sprint and T-Mobile have no coverage at all there. AT&T (and Verizon) coverage is quite good both north and south of the drop, yet both still after 20 years can't seem to fix this. Most recent instance occurred on 09/09/2020.
  • Franklin County, Whately: Drops occur while driving on I-91 at Mile Marker 35, just north of Exit 24 (which is for US-5/MA-10). Most recent instance 05/23/2010.
  • Hampden County, Westfield: AT&T Wireless drops occur along the MassPike/I-90 at Mile Mark 37.8. Very little atennuation occurs (maybe because everyone is properly driving at 90 MPH!) and calls suddenly drop passing MM 37.8. Most recent instance: 08/22/2015
  • Middlesex County, Lexington/Bedford: Drops occur on I-95 in the vicinity of the JCT with MA-4/MA-225. Most recent instance occurred on 11/28/2008.
  • Middlesex County, Medford: Drops occur while driving on I-93 in the vicinity of MA-60 at Exit 32. Most recent instance occurred on 08/01/2012.
  • Middlesex County, Natick: Drops occur on the Massachusettes Turnpike at the JCT of MA-9. Most recent instance occurred on 11/28/2008.
  • Norfolk County, Wellesley (Hills): AT&T Wireless drops occur on MA-9 just west of MA-128/I-95 at mile marker 124.8. This has always been a problem for the "A" carrier -- Cell One/Boston's analog service and then digital TDMA service also dropped there, and after 20 years it's amazing that they have never corrected this!. (Verizon has no problem here and suffers no drops, so it is possible to cover the area, it's just that AT&T doesn't seem to do such a good job at it.) Most recent instance occurred on 07/04/2015.
  • Worcester County, Auburn: Drops occur on I-90/Massachusettes Turnpike in the vicinity of the JCT of I-395 and I-295. The drop occurs when the Mass Pike "passes over" I-395/I-290 interchange. Most recent instance occurred on 11/28/2008.
  • Worcester County, Charlton: Drops occur on the Mass Pike between Mile Markers 91 and 88. Drops only seem to occur perhaps 80% of the time. Most recent instance occurred on 03/11/2007.
  • New Jersey
  • Bergen County, Ft. Lee: Poor AT&T Wireless service in Ft. Lee in the parking lot of the Food Emporium (A&P) Supermarket (ACME as of 2017). Calls often do not complete and can not lock onto a tower/free signal, perhaps due to interference froom signals across the river from upper Manhattan bouncing off the the "TMC" building across the street. Very difficult to receive or place calls at certain times of day in the general, even outside of rush hour when the George Washington Bridge is jammed packed with people waiting to pay their outrageous tolls or at night when, despite all the money the Port Authority is extorting in toll "revenue", they can't be bothered to leave a cash lane open on both levels and the Palisades approach since they are too busy diverting to funds to non-Port Authority projects (and yet they refuse to allow an independent wonders why...), causing traffic back-ups late at night for the privelege of paying $15 or whatever it is now to cross their t(r)oll bridge. Most recent instance occurred on 04/02/2015.
  • Bergen County, Oakland: AT&T Wireless drops occur on I-287 at Mile Marker 1.1 in the vicinity of Skyline Dr. Most recent instance occurred on 08/17/2009.
  • Middlesex County, New Brunswick: Drops occur on US-1 at Mile Marker 27 at the JCT of US-1 and NJ-18. Last instance of this drop occurred on 11/07/2006.
  • Middlesex County, Perth Amboy area: Drops occur while traveling north on I-287 near the JCT with the New Jersey Turnpike. Drops also occur more generally when hich is just a few miles north of JCT Garden State Parkway and I-287. This is slightly south of Metropark. Last instance of this drop occurred on 11/07/2006.
  • Passaic County, Patterson: AT&T Wireless calls drop on I-80, just west of the JCT with NJ-20. This had been a problem since the inception of cellular service (when it was analog), and continued after the digital conversion until about 2011 or so, when it was seemingly corrected. With the elimination of 3G and forcing all calls to 4G/LTE or 5G, it seems to have become a problem again. Calls begin to fade (ie, since everything is data under 4G/5G/LTE, data packets begin to drop) heading east along I-80 just before NJ-19 (the "western" leg of the planned, but never built, "Patterson Loop" highway, and will completely stop approaching NJ-20 (the "eastern" leg of the loop around Patterson), that is, complete, 100% packet loss. Continuing eastwards, someimes the packets come back about half a mile east of NJ-20, sometimes they just stop completely and the phone needs a reboot, but in either case, there is often a significant and appreciable audio (data, really) drop, more often than not late in the evening/early morning (is AT&T performing maintenance then? Testing? Odd signal propogation at night?). This drop still needs testing heading west on I-80, as well as driving along NJ-20 / NJ-19 to determine if it is a handoff problem along I-80, or a more macroscoptic issue with service in the general Patterson area. Last drop occurred on 03/17/2024.
  • Somerset County, Hillsborough Township: Along US-206/Bypass (one of the few sections of the sorely needed Somerset Freeway to have actually been built; for additional information click here; for maps of various proposals click here), AT&T Wireless Calls (since it's 4G/LTE it's all data) drop near the CTY-514 intersection. Voice calls will either drop completely or mute out, and data sessions will stop and require re-establishment or reconnection. Last drop occurred on 05/14/2023.
  • New York

    New York City 5-Borough/Counties:

  • Bronx County - Bronx: AT&T Wireless coverage is so bad on the Bronx River Parkway between 200th St and 220th St that calls can barely be made there, and when a call will complete it will drop at/by the Bronx/Weschester line as the BRP crosses over the New Haven RR/NY Central interchange. Most recent instance occurred on 10/15/2015.
  • Bronx County - Bronx: Signal is very weak on the Bronx River Parkway between Exit 8 and Exit 10, starting near Southern Blvd. This continues past Exit 9 and up to Exit 10, where calls subsequently drop in the vicinity of the Bronx Zoo. As calls cannot be placed or received, the phone is effectively rendered useless. After Exit 10 comes the county line for Westchester County. Please see the Westchester section of this list (below) for adjoining drops on the Bronx River Parkway in Westchester County. Most recent instance occurred on 10/03/2010.
  • Kings County, Brooklyn Heights: AT&T Wireless drops occur on Clark St. while travelling between Herricks St. and Henry St. Most recent instance occurred on 07/27/2009.
  • Kings County, Brooklyn Heights: Coverage is very poor at the JCT of Pierrepont St and Willow St. Most recent instance occurred on 10/12/2010.
  • Kings County (Brookyln) - Williamsburg: AT&T Wireless voice calls and data connections experience connection difficulties in the Williamsburg, Brooklyn area, generally west of Bedford Street (the main north/south street), from North 10th to South 2nd. All other carriers (Verizon, Sprint, TMobile) suffer similar issues to a greater or lesser extent, and it's suspected that the problem stems from interference with signals from tall buildings immediately across the East River in Manhattan (similar to some issues in Battery Park City (Manhattan) along the Hudson River Promenade, where signals from Jersey City/Hoboken appear to compete with signals from the Manhattan-side, affecting voice and data performance). Essentially, when one is west of Bedford Street, data calls take a long time to set up and have slow throughput, text messages are slow to arrive, and voice calls are slow to set up outgoing and often miss incoming. It doesn't appear to be a signal stregnth issue (phones show ample signal stregnth), but more that a given phone or mobile device can't lock on a signal/channel reliably. Most recent instance occurred on 06/02/2016.
  • New York County - Manhattan: AT&T Wireless calls drop on 57th St between York Ave and 1st Ave. If one is actively moving, the connection may or may not drop but if one is not mobile between York Ave and 1st Ave, the call will drop. Most recent instance occurred on 03/26/2009.
  • New York County - Manhattan: AT&T Wireless calls drop within the 59th Street/Lexington Ave IRT/BMT (4,5,6 / N,R) station while moving between the upper level IRT local platforms and the lower level express platforms via the BMT (N,R) middle mezzanine. Calls in progress on the local (upper) IRT platforms will drop while walking down to the BMT (N,R) tracks and from there to the IRT lower level express, but will not drop via the escalators to the express (lower) level. Coverage just started in the 59th/Lex station in November 2016, so perhaps some bugs in the system still need to be worked out. Most recent instance occurred on 12/02/2016.
  • New York County - Manhattan: AT&T Wireless calls drop on Irving Place while driving north or southbound between 14th St. and 15th St. Most recent instance occurred on 06/28/2007.
  • New York County - Manhattan: AT&T Wireless calls initiated north of East 67th St. while walking south on Lexington Ave will drop upon reaching 67 St. Most recent instance occurred on 05/26/2008.
  • New York County - Manhattan: AT&T drops occur on 1st Ave while heading north between 11th and 12th Streets. Calls which, after having been initiated only a few blocks to the south (5th St., for example), are clear and distortion-free rapidly degrade approaching 11th St., and will drop between 12th and 13th Sts. Last observed: 07/01/2007.
  • New York County - Manhattan: ATT drops occur on 2nd Ave at 51st St. Calls may or may not deteriorate but will drop unexpectedly while crossing 51st St. Most recent instance occurred on 01/12/2009.
  • New York County - Manhattan: AT&T drops occur on Park Ave. as the street winds around the Met Life (Pan Am) building. Coverage is generally good in the tunnel under Park Ave. directly south of the Met Life building, but calls drop when traveling around the building itself. Most recent instance occurred on 10/23/2006.
  • New York County - Manhattan: AT&T Wireless drops calls while walking (yes, while walking!) along 6th Avenue at 54th Street (near the NY Hilton). Calls attennuate heading northwards along 6th Avenue, and will drop just north of 54th Street when heading northwards. This AT&T Wireless drop was noted a few times in early 2016 on older phones, but more recently confirmed on a recent model smartphone and thus this ATTWS drop is apparently not a function of older equipment/limited frequency range as if often suggested by AT&T Wireless customer service (and rarely a correct analysis of a drop in any case). Most recent instance occurred on 05/18/2016.
  • New York County - Manhattan: Drops occur while walking eastbound on 68th St. Calls initiated before 3rd Ave and 68th St begin to degrade while approaching 2nd Ave. While transitioning from 2nd Ave to 1st Ave, calls drop for no reason. Most recent instance occurred on 07/03/2007.
  • New York County - Manhattan: While traveling west on 79th St. through Central Park between Central Park East and Central Park West, calls drop midway through the transverse. Last observed on 04/22/2010.
  • New York County - Manhattan: Drops occur on 79th St. between Madison Ave. and Park Ave. The service seems to work fine at the intersection of 79th St. and Park Ave. However, the service does not seem to hand off properly at 79th St. and Madison Ave when heading east. Most recent instance occurred on 10/18/2009.
  • New York County - Manhattan: Calls which are initiated at the JCT of Central Park West and 72nd St and maintained while walking south on Central Park West will drop for no reason upon reaching the JCT of Central Park West and 70th St. Most recent instance occurred on 10/21/2009.
  • Queens County - Fresh Meadows: AT&T Wireless drops occur on the Long Island Expressway/I-495 at the JCT/crossover of Kissena Blvd. Most recent instance occurred on 05/19/2010.
  • Queens County - Queens: While traveling on the Long Island Railroad in eastern Queens County, AT&T Wireless calls drop in the vicinity of the Douglaston station. Most recent instance occurred on 07/16/2015.
  • Queens County - Queens: While traveling west on the Long Island Railroad (LIRR) from Woodside into Penn Station, the main line tracks (ie, not the Port Washington tracks) go under a small tunnel/overpass, which also facilitates the crossing of other rail tracks. While passing through that small enclosure, GSM coverage frequently drops. However, there is no tunnel to pass under while traveling on the eastbound side on the main four tracks and thus calls do not drop there. This is in the vicinity of Sunnyside Yards. Most recent instance occurred on 08/06/2007.
  • Queens County - Queens: Coverage is very poor on the Long Island Railroad at the Port Washington branch between Murray Hill, Flushing Hill and Shea Stadium. While coverage may work at any one spot while the caller transits through the area, the connection will still drop a few times. Most recent instance occurred on 07/27/2009.
  • Queens County - Queens: There is no coverage in terminal 9 at JFK International Airport at the lower level/arrivals area inside of the building in the vicinity of the baggage claim area. As this is a place where cell phones are frequently used, and as all other carriers appear to work quite well there, it is surprising that there is no adequate coverage in the area at this point. Most recent instance occurred on 09/09/2005.
  • Queens County - Queens: Calls drop while driving west and transitioning from the Long Island Expressway (I-495), passing under the ramp for the LIE to enter I-278 West. Most recent instance occurred on 11/06/2007. Additionally, calls also drop heading west on I-495 underneath the I-278 overpass, the most recent instance of which occurred on 09/07/2009.
  • Queens County - Queens: Drops occur while driving on the Cross Island Parkway slightly east of the JCT with Trog's Neck Bridge/I-295 at the overpass for the Bell Blvd interchange. Most recent instance 07/27/2009.
  • Queens County - Long Island City: AT&T Wireless calls drop on the 7IRT (Flushing Line) at the 46th/Bliss station. Most recent instance occurred on 08/30/2010.
  • Queens County - Queens: Mute instances occur on the 7IRT as it passes over the JCT of Queens Blvd and 48th St. Most recent instance occurred on 06/16/2010.
  • Queens County - It seems some AT&T Wireless pre-paid phones (4G/LTE Capable) have no coverage on Amtrak and the Long Island Railroad under the East River tubes. Verzion Wireless does, and we recall that under GSM eventually AT&T Wireless did as well, but perhaps they no longer do? Most recent isntance occurred on 02/29/2024.
  • New York State Counties other than New York City:

  • Columbia County, Ancram: AT&T Wireless cellular drops occur while driving on NY-82 at the JCT of NY-82 and CTY-7. Most recent instance occurred on 08/08/2010.
  • Columbia County, Austerlitz: There is no AT&T Wireless coverage between the JCT of NY-22/NY-203/CTY-5 (basically Austerlitz) heading north along NY-22 for approximately four miles until the East Hills Rd, where coverage from the Masspike starts. Most recent instance occurred on 09/26/2016.
  • Columbia County, Boston Corners: AT&T Wireless voice calls drop on NY-22 at the Dutchess/Columbia County Line, near Mile Marker 102, and (heading northward), remains wihout any appreciable coverage for 3 or 4 miles. NY-22 is the only major N/S road in the eastern section of these counties in the Harlem Valley (since I-684 was never built that far north) and the lack of coverage in the area is not only an inconvenience but a potential safety issue for motorists driving on NY-22 in the area. Last occurred: 08/07/2023
  • Columbia County, Claverack: AT&T Wireless drops occur at the overpass for NY-23 over the Taconic State Parkway between NY-23 and Palmer Rd. The display indicates no coverage exists. Most recent instance occurred on 08/08/2010.
  • Columbia County, Copake: AT&T's coverage begins to degrade at the JCT of NY-22 and CTY-7A, and heading northward drops completely at the JCT of NY-22 and NY-71 in Green River. Coverage continues to be lacking from Green River until approximately seven to eight miles north of the JCT with NY-203 in Austerlitz, after which coverage begins to gradually bleed back in. Most recent instance occurred on 07/06/2008.
  • Columbia County, Craryville: No coverage exists for about three miles on either side of the JCT of NY-23 and CTY-7. Most recent instance occurred on 05/23/2010.
  • Columbia County, Gallatin: AT&T drops occur while driving on NY-82 at Half Circle Rd and the access road to Taghanak State Park, which is approximately two miles north of the JCT of NY-82 and CTY-11. Most recent instance occurred on 08/08/2010.
  • Columbia County, Gallatin: AT&T Wireless calls drop along CTY-7 at the JCT with Tinker Hill Rd. at the Gallatin Town Hall. Heading westwards, AT&T calls begin to detriorate around Ancram/JCT NY-82 (which has poor to no AT&T coverage as well), and audio drop-outs are prevalent between Ancram and Gallatin, before the complete drop near the Gallatin Town hall/Tinker Hill Rd. AT&T Wireless coverage is generally poor in the in the area from CTY-3/NY-22 in Boston Corners, west to Ancram, Gallatin, and Silvernails, and only resumes (partially) near the Taconic State Parkway. Most recent instance occurred: 10/08/2016.
  • Columbia County, Queechy: Traveling northward from the New York Thruway/I-90 on NY-22, coverage begins to attenuate approximately one mile south of the JCT of NY-22 and NY-295/Canaan Rd. At the actual junction, calls drop completely and no service is available along NY-22 heading northwards until just south of the JCT of NY-22 and US-20 in New Lebanon. Most recent instance occurred on 07/06/2008.
  • Columbia County, Silvernails: AT&T Wireless calls drop along the Taconic State Parkway at JCT CTY-2(E)/CTY-50(W)/Jackson Corners Rd. In fact, along CTY-2 near the Taconic on/off ramps (at a slightly lower elevation than the Taconic), there is no AT&T Wireless coverage at all. Most recent instance occurred on 10/02/2016.
  • Columbia County, Spencertown: No AT&T Wireless coverage exists between the Taconic State Parkway all the way to NY-22 and up about four or five miles past Austerlitz. However, coverage resumes in the vicinity of the JCT of NY-203 and NY-22, which is approximately four miles east of Austerlitz. Most recent instance occurred on 08/08/2010.
  • Columbia County: The connection drops on the Taconic State Parkway at Mile Marker 70. It resumes upon reaching the rest area located at Mile Marker 75.6 in the vicinity of Lake Taghkanic State Park. Most recent instance occurred on 03/15/2009.
  • Dutchess County, Amenia (and Litchfield County, CT/Sharon): AT&T Wireless calls drop or temporarily mute (lose audio) along NY-343, east of JCT NY-22 in Amenia, near the the NY/CT line. Most recent instance occurred on 08/10/2023.
  • Dutchess County, East Fishkill/Beekman: AT&T Wireless calls drop along Beekman Rd, just east of the Taconic Parkway, when passing by St. Dennis Church. This appears to be a new drop post 4G migration, that is, it was never a problem before February 2022 when 3G service was ended. Since AT&T's voice service is now packetized and IP-based, when data packets fail, so does voice. And, when exiting the Taconic and heading east on Beekman, there is about a 30 second period of packet loss (no internet connectivity, or poor connectivity); this can be observed by pinging a web site (such as Google, via the command 'ping') from a smartphone's or tethered computer's command prompt. Since 4G/LTE voice is packet-based, when the internet connections drop (no pings), so does voice, and thus the voice drop along Beekman Road. Most recent instance occurred on: 04/05/2023; as of 08/22/2023 it may have been corrected and will need further testing. 12/24/2024 tests indicate that it's a bit better (due to a lack of leaves on trees in the winter?), but voice calls still suffer from audio drop-outs, and often data sessions will still disconnect and have a new IP assigned.
  • Dutchess County, East Fishkill/Shenandoah: AT&T Wireless drops calls on the Taconic State Parkway at Mile Marker 34 between Miller Hill Rd./Shenandoah Rd. and Horton Hill Rd, approximately 3 miles south of the JCT with I-84. T-Mobile also drops in the same location (its own network, not roaming on ATTWS), while Verizon and Sprint (also on its own network, not roaming on Verizon) appear often enough (50%+) to be able to maintain calls in the area, albeit with some typical digital/CDMA audio distortion/drop-out/loss. Most recent instance occurred on 05/19/2019.
  • Dutchess County, East Fishkill: Drops occur on the Taconic State Parkway at Mile Marker 30.8. Most recent instance occurred on 09/20/2010.
  • Dutchess County, East Fishkill: Drops occur on the Taconic State Parkway at Mile Marker 24. Most recent instance occurred on 09/20/2010.
  • Dutchess County, Fishkill: Drops occur when traveling either northbound or southbound on US-9 approximately two miles south of the JCT with Smithtown Rd. Most recent instance occurred on 10/04/2007.
  • Dutchess County, LaGrange: Drops occur on the Taconic State Parkway approximately three or four miles north of James Baird State Park while traveling in either direction. The area without coverage (and hence the drops) extends from Mile Marker 49.9 and Mile Marker 50.9. Most recent instance occurred on 03/08/2009.
  • Dutchess County, LaGrange: While driving on the Taconic State Parkway, ATT Wireless calls suffer poor quality and tend to drop on the former Dobson Cellular network within a one mile radius of the JCT with NY-82, generally more a bit south of the exit. Verizon used to have similar problems here but they were correct in late 2010, so it's unclear why AT&T Wireless can't fix their drop along the Taconic at NY-82. Most recent instance occurred on 07/20/2015.
  • Dutchess County, Langrangeville/Billings: AT&T Wireless has poor coverage which often drops along NY-82 just north of JCT Taconic State Parkway in Langrangeville (Billings). There is also poor to no indoor coverage in most of the stores and restaurants in the area, such as inside the ShopRite, and Sonny's restaurant (both have poor to no TMO and ATT service, while Verizon is OK.). Most recent instance occurred on 01/08/204.
  • Dutchess County, Moore's Mill: Calls initiated on NY-82 traveling northbound using the ATT Wireless network will degrade and eventually drop at a point between CTY-89 and Tompkins Rd. Subsequent to the drop, the service switches to Dobson Cellular. Most recent instance occurred 07/03/2007.
  • Dutchess County, Myers Corner: There is no AT&T Wireless coverage just north the JCT of NY-376 and CTY-93. Most recent instance occurred on 11/06/2009
  • Dutchess County, Pawling: AT&T Wireless calls drop while driving on NY-55 approximately half a mile east of the JCT of NY-55 and NY-292 afer reaching the apex of the hill on NY-55 which then gradually descends into the Harlem Valley (ie, the route of NY-22 and NY Central Harlem (Rail) Line). Most recent instance occurred on 03/27/2015.
  • Dutchess County, Pawling: AT&T Wireless calls drop due to poor/no coverage for over two miles on NY-55's eastern segment east of NY-22, which heads to CT and becomes CT-55. Coverage drops out _completely_ on NY-55 approximately 1 mile east of the JCT NY-22/NY-55, in the general area of the JCT of NY-55/CTY-22 (that's Dutches County-22, it's not a typo, CTY-22 is just east of NY-22 there!) and there is no coverage for over two miles until entering the CT/ex-SNET system where NY-55 becomes CT-55 at the border. Most recent drop occurred: 08/22/2022.
  • Dutchess County, Pine Plains/Milan: AT&T Wireless calls drop on the Taconic State Parkway, just north of JCT NY-119, at Mile Marker 59. Most recent instance occurred on 10/03/2016.
  • Dutchess County, Pine Plains: AT&T calls drop along NY-199 heading east from downtown Pine Plains towards Pulver's Corner/JCT Bean Hill Rd, and there is no AT&T Wireless coverage heading east from Pulver's Corner all the way to CTY-63, as coverage resumes approaching the Harlem Valley corridor/NY-22. Most recent drop occurred: 08/15/2018.
  • Dutchess County, Poughkeepsie: AT&T Wireless calls drop while travelling on NY-55/US-44 at the JCT of NY-376 (which is just north of Vassar College). Most recent instance occurred on 08/14/2014.
  • Dutchess County, Poughkeepsie: At the JCT of CTY-29 and CTY-33, ATTWS' coverage is very poor and while calls may not always drop, the caller cannot hear whoever hes speaking to nor can he be heard. Most recent instance occurred on 10/25/2009.
  • Dutchess County, Stanford: AT&T Wireless' coverage is very poor when driving on the Taconic State Parkway between the exit for Miller Hill Rd. and the JCT of the Taconic State Parkway and I-84, which is just south of the intersection of the Taconic and I-84. Most recent instance occurred on 05/11/2009.
  • Dutchess County, Stanford/Stanfordville: AT&T Wireless drops occur on the Taconic State Parkway at Mile Marker 63.3, which is just south of CTY-19/Bull's Head Rd. Heading southbound, calls begin to degrade at Nine Partners Road, and will drop completely just north of CTY-19. Heading northwards, calls begin to degrade crossing CTY-19 and will drop completely by Willow Brook Rd. Most recent instance occurred on 10/04/2016.
  • Dutchess County, Stanfordville: There is no coverage on NY-9G between the JCT of CTY-19 and the JCT of CTY-14. Most recent instance occurred on 07/16/2008.
  • Dutchess County, Stanfordville: No coverage exists on NY-82 just south of of Stanfordville, near the JCT of NY-82 and CTY-17 (while Verizon has continuous coverage in that area of NY-82). Most recent instance occurred on 08/08/2010.
  • Dutchess County, Unionvalle (Hamlet of Billings): AT&T Wireless call drops (both voice and data) occur along NY-82, on the stretch running between JCT NY-55 northwards to JCT US-44/NY-343 in Millbrook. Calls begin to attennuate near the JCT with NY-82/Tompkins Rd, and will drop shortly thereafter heading north. AT&T's coverage remains marginal until reaching JCT CTY-90, where it improves, and is generally drop-free until JCT US-44 in Millbrook. This section of NY-82 roughly and closely parallels the Taconic Parkway, yet AT&T Wireless appears to have problems providing reliable and drop-free coverage here. Most recent instance occurred on 07/16/2016.
  • Dutchess County, Unionvale: Drops occur at the JCT of CTY-21 and CTY-32. Most recent instance occurred on 09/09/2010.
  • Dutchess County, Wappingers Falls: AT&T Wireless drops occur on US-9 slightly south of the JCT of CTY-35/Osborne Hill Rd., in the vicinity of the Hudson Valley Volvo dealership. The other cell carriers handle this area well but AT&T Wireless has problems. Most recent instance occurred on 04/30/2012.
  • Dutchess County, Wassaic/Wassaic Metro North Station: AT&T Wireless calls drop along NY-22, between CTY-81 (Old NY-22) south of The Wassaic Project (where the old Wassaic train station is), heading north to Furnace Bank Road, which is just south of the new "Park and Ride" Wassaic Station. Audio mutes out or drops, and data pings will stop for about 30 seconds (driving at 60 MPH) driving north or south along NY-22 in the area. Areas east of NY-22 in northern Dutchess generally have spotty AT&T Wireless coverage, and the poor coverage in Wassaic is an example of this. Most recent instance occurred on 08/29/2023.
  • Nassau County, Bayville: AT&T Wireless drops occur at the JCT of Bayville Rd. and Bayville Ave, which is about halfway (eastwards) from the Bayville beachfront area and the Mill Neck Creek Bridge. ATT Wireless coverage is fine along the beach area and the mini-amusement park on the south side of Bayville Rd, however, traveling east from the beach area, AT&T calls begin to detriorate and will generally drop approximately .5 miles east of the beach area. This is still the case in 2023 with 4G (only) or 4/5G phones - voice & data (pretty much the same thing with LTE) connections stop, and in most cases, due to the length and extent of the drop, voice calls will abandon and drop, while data sessions may hold. Most recent instance occurred on 10/30/2023.
  • Nassau County, Carle Place: AT&T Wireless calls drop along Glen Cove Road, near the JCT with NY-25B. The Northern State Parkway has a short 1.5 mile segment which parallels Glenn Cove Road, and calls on AT&T Wireless will which are in progress will also generally drop along the (westbound) Glenn Cove Road exit (there is no direct eastbound Glenn Cove Road exit on the NSP; traffic instead uses NY-25B to get to Glenn Cove Rd). So it appears there is some general problem affecting north/south transitions in the area of NY-25B. Most recent instance occurred on 11/27/2015.
  • Nassau County, Carle Place-Hicksville: AT&T Wireless calls slowlydegrade heading eastwards on Old Country Road in Carle Place, just east of Eisenhower Park, gradually becoming more unintelligible, passing NY-106/107, and finally dropping at NY-135/Seaford-Oyster Bay Expressway. The degradation covers around 4 miles, and it's amazing how long the call holds on, getting worse and worse, and for whatever reason no other tower along Old country Road seems to be able to service it (and the tests were conducted late at night so it's not a congestion/busy period issue). Most recent instance occurred on 11/22/2015.
  • Nassau County, Mineola: Drops occur on the Northern State Parkway while crossing under NY-25B and in the vicinity of Exit 31. Most recent instance occurred on 09/07/2009.
  • Nassau County, Glen Cove: AT&T Wireless drops occur about half a mile south of the JCT of NY-107 and Glen St. Most recent instance occurred on 12/17/2007.
  • Nassau County, Laurel Hollow: AT&T Wireless drops occur just east of Cove Road on NY-25A and slightly west of Cold Spring Rd. There is generally poor coverage, resulting in many drops, along NY-25A between the westward Laurel Hollow Village town line and Cold Spring Harbor village. AT&T Wireless has had problems covering this area since the inception of cellular service (eg, analog service), and it appears that even in 2017 they are still unable to cover the main road along the north shore of Nassau County, as compared to Verizon which is drop-free in the area. Most recent instance occurred on 06/28/2017.
  • Nassau County, Oyster Bay: AT&T Wireless calls drop approximately one mile east of the JCT of NY-25A/Northern Blvd and Cold Spring Road, proceeding towards Cold Spring Harbor Village. AT&T's drop generally occurs between the entrance of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and JCT NY-108, although sometimes it will hold until the firehouse just before the Cold Spring Harbor town center. Most recent instance occurred on 05/11/2017.
  • Nassau County, Oyster Bay: AT&T Wireless' service drops occur while driving on NY-25A approximately one mile west of Cold Spring Rd. However, at the point of intersection between NY-25A and Cold Spring Rd, the service seems to function properly. Most recent instance occurred on 05/18/2009.
  • Nassau County, Port Washington: Coverage is very poor while driving on Main Street, just south of Louies Seafood House (which is located at 407 Main St). Most recent instance occurred on 09/07/2009.
  • Nassau County, Roslyn: Calls drop when travelling in either direction on Roslyn Rd. and crossing under the LIRR tracks for the Oyster Bay branch. This is in the general vicinity of Roslyn High School as well as Locust St. Most recent instance occurred on 09/07/2009.
  • Nassau County, South Oyster Bay: Calls initiated in the area of the JCT of NY-25A and NY-106 will drop while proceeding southbound on NY-106 towards Hicksville, approximately halfway between NY-25A and NY-25. Calls slowly degrade and then drop upon arriving at the traffic light just north of NY-25. Last occurred: 05/11/2017.
  • Orange County, Cornwall: Drops occur approximately one mile south of Continental Rd. Last instance occured on 07/17/2011.
  • Orange County, Greeville: AT&T Wireless calls drop along I-84 at the Greenville Scenic Overlook rest area/apex of the Shawangunk Ridge (the highest point on I-84 in NY State), just west of the NY/NJ/PA border in Port Jervis. The hill used to be the demarcation point between a number of cellular systems (such as between the Verizon/Orange County/00404, NY Metro/00022 and Scranton/00096 systems, for example; see the Verizon Wireless Dropped Call List and the Cellular System ID List (old) for details), and all carriers had a drop passing over the hill. Many of these have been remedied (such as Verizon), but AT&T Wireless still experiences drops in the area, even as late as January 2019. Coverage is good on both sides of the hill/drop, so it seems that AT&T is for whatever reason not handing off properly as one traverses the apex of the hill in both directions (E/W). Most recent instance occurred on 01/02/2019.
  • Orange County, Woodbury: AT&T Wireless calls drop while driving both north and south on NY-32 (near where NY-17 heads off from I-87/the New York State Thruway) about two miles north of the Woodbury Commons Shopping Center (which is located at the approximate junctions of NY-17, US-6 and NY-32). Most recent instance 11/11/2007.
  • Putnam County, Carmel: Drops occur on the Taconic Parkway upon reaching Mile Marker 27.2 (this drop appears to be part of a series of drops on the Taconic State Parkway from five miles north of the Hawthorn interchange all the way up to I-84/Dutchess County, where the AT&T Wireless Mid-Hudson ex-Dobson Cellular system begins). Most recent instance occurred on 07/10/2016.
  • Putnam County, Carmel: AT&T Wireless calls drop at the JCT of the Taconic State Parkway and NY-301, at the highest point on the Taconic south of I-84. Most recent instance occurred on 03/07/2015.
  • Putnam County, Mahopac: Calls drop on the Taconic Parkway at Mile Marker 28.1 (this drop appears to be part of a series of drops on the Taconic State Parkway from five miles north of the Hawthorn interchange all the way up to I-84, where Dobson Cellular begins coverage). Most recent instance occurred on 09/13/2007.
  • Putnam County, Mahopac: AT&T Wireless drops occur at Mile Marker 30 on the Taconic Parkway (this drop appears to be part of a series of drops on the Taconic State Parkway from five miles north of the Hawthorn interchange all the way up to I-84, where Dobson Cellular begins coverage). Most recent instance occurred on 09/13/2007.
  • Putnam County, Putnam Valley: AT&T Wireless calls drop on the Taconic State Parkway between Mile Markers 22.1 and 22.3, which is about half a mile south of the JCT with Bryant Pond Rd. (this drop appears to be part of a series of drops on the Taconic State Parkway from five miles north of the Hawthorn interchange all the way up to I-84, where the ex-Dobson Cellular would begin coverage). Most recent instance occurred on 03/31/2008.
  • Putnam County, Shenandoah: Drops occur on the Taconic Parkway at the JCT of Knapp Rd. at Mile Marker 34, which is approximately one mile south of Miller Hill Rd. This traditionally has been the handoff point to the former-Dobson cellular system. One would expect that the handoff problem which occurs here would have been fixed following the acquisition of Dobson, but that is not the case. Most recent instance occurred on 12/08/2008.
  • Rensselaer County, Berlin: While driving on NY-22, calls start to attenuate and will then drop altogether approximately three miles north of Berlin (all other carriers have no coverage from five miles south of Berlin up to this point, whereas AT&T Wireless does have coverage which will drop off three miles north of Berlin). Most recent instance occurred on 07/06/2008.
  • Rensselaer County: Between the JCT of NY-22 and NY-2 and continuing eastward all the way to the state line with Massachusetts, there is no AT&T Wireless coverage (indeed, there is no service with any carrier at this point). Most recent instance occurred on 07/06/2008.
  • Rensselaer County: No AT&T Wireless coverage exists between Stephentown and Berlin on NY-22. Most recent instance occurred on 07/06/2008.
  • Rockland County: There is poor ATTWS coverage on the Palisades Interstate Parkway between Exit 16 and Exit 19, and effectively no useful coverage of any kind at and near the US-6/Palisades Parkway Rotary and Interchange at the northern end of the Palisades Parkway and Bear Mountain Park itself. Additionally, there is little to no ATT Wireless coverage between the Bear Mountain Bridge Rotary westwards to the Palisades/US-6 West rotary, and AT&T Wireless calls drop generally between the Bear Mountain Bridge Rotary and the US-6/Palisades Rotary. There is very poor to no coverage south of the Palisades rest-area/Welcome Center, and ATT calls drop on the apex of the hill just south of the Welcome Center as well. Even in Jan 2023, well after the ATTWS 3G shut-down and 4G migration, there is still no coverage in the area, and in general, ATT Wireless' coverage in the Bear Mountain area is poor to non-existent. ATT Wireless customers who are on a contract plan (now generally to pay for new phones and equipment) may want to ask for their money back, since ATT is or should be well aware of this drop and large dead area, hasn't corrected it, and allows the issue to continue. Most recent instance occurred on 01/02/2023.
  • Suffolk County, Baiting Hollow: AT&T Wireless LTE voice calls drop along Sound Ave (old NY-25A) near Roanoke Vinyards. Data service (which LTE runs on) obviously drops out too, but the drop isn't too prolonged so that data connections drop as well, only voice/"phone calls". Most recent instance occurred on 06/23/2023.
  • Suffolk County, Bridgehamptom: While not a specific drop, AT&T Wireless calls seem to take an inordinately long time to complete along NY-27 just west of Bridgehampton (near what was the 24-hour King Kullen). While there appears to be good coverage in the area, calls can take up to a minute to complete. Calls initiated from this area, e.g., near the King Kullen, and which then proceed north from Bridgehampton (to Sag Harbor, for example), will tend to drop maybe amile north of Bridgehampton, while calls initiated elsewhere, such as just east of Southampton where CTY-80/Old NY-27A meets NY-27, which transit through Bridgehampton and then proceed north to Sag Harbor will not drop. Most recent instance occurred on 07/05/2017.
  • Suffolk County, Dix Hills: AT&T Wireless drops occur while driving on NY-25 at the JCT with Dix Hills Rd. Most recent instance occurred on 06/25/2009.
  • Suffolk County, Huntington: AT&T Wireless drops occur while driving on the Long Island Expressway/I-495 at Exit 51 (for NY-231), which is the JCT of NY-231 and the LIE/I-495, slightly east of the Nassau County/Suffolk County line. Most recent instance occurred on 05/12/2010.
  • Suffolk County, Huntington: Drops occur while driving on NY-25A at the JCT NY-25A and Cozy Lane. Most recent instance occurred on 08/30/2010.
  • Suffolk County, Mt. Sinai: AT&T Wireless drops calls along Mt. Sinai-Coram Road, at the JCT with North Country Road (likely an old alignment of NY-25A, as it is along other stretches of the North Shore as well). Calls drop in both directions (heading northwest to Mt. Sinai or southeast to NY-25A). Part of a series of drops and an area of generally poor coverage north of NY-25A along North Country Rd, from just east of downtown Port Jefferson, all the way along North Country (or other primarily E/W roads along the North Shore) to Miller Place (near the firehouse), where North Country then heads east/southeast to rejoin the current NY-25A. Note this isn't unique to AT&TWS; all the other carriers (including, surprisingly, Verizon) have poor coverage and multiple drops from Mt. Sinai to Miller Place as well. Most recent instance: 11/02/2017.
  • Suffolk County, Patchogue: ATT drops occur while travelling on NY-27 between Exit 56 and Exit 57. Most recent instance occurred on 05/12/2010.
  • Suffolk County, Sunken Meadow/Fort Salonga: AT&T Wireless calls generally drop in the vicinity of the interchange between the Sunken Meadow Parkway and the Long Island Expressway. While driving south on the Sunken Meadow Parkway towards the westbound LIE, calls will drop approximately half a mile west of the Sunken Meadow Parkway and the LIE. Most recent instance occurred on 11/02/2017.
  • Westchester County, Bedford: AT&T Wireless calls drop while driving on I-684 at Mile Marker 12.1 in the vicinity of the Chappaqua Exit and near the JCT of NY-172. Most recent instance occurred on 09/24/2009.
  • Westchester County, Bedford: Calls drop on I-684 just south of the Katonah exit which is near the JCT of NY-35 near Mile Marker 15. Calls tend to attenuate approximately a quarter of a mile south at around Mile Marker 14.8 and then drop entirely. Calls will stay out until Mile Marker 15.1. Most recent instance occurred on 03/08/2009.
  • Westchester County, Cortland: Drops occur on US-9 at the JCT with NY-9A. Most recent instance occurred on 07/16/2007.
  • Westchester County, East Fishkill: AT&T Wireless rops occur on the Taconic State Parkway at the JCT with Peekskill Hollow Rd. With 4G/LTE, calls tend to mute out and lose all audio for maybe 15 to 20 seconds at the Hollow, if not drop completely. Data sessions (or even just pings) will drop out (pinging will stop) at the bottom of the hollow at Peekskill Hollow road. Most recent instance occurred on 05/16/2023.
  • Westchester County, Hawthorne: Calls drop while traveling north on the Sprain Brook Parkway at approximately Mile Marker 11.6 upon reaching the Sprain Brook's JCT with NY-100, just south of the Hawthorne interchange. Last occurred on 08/11/2009.
  • Westchester County, Hawthorne: Drops occur on the Taconic State Parkway just south of Pleasantville and south of the Hawthorne interchange at the exit for NY-9A and NY-100, which is Mile Marker 4.7. Calls will go mute and will then subsequently drop entirely. Most recent instance occurred on 09/07/2009.
  • Westchester County, Mamaroneck: AT&T Wireless drops occur on I-95 just south of Exit 19 (which is Mamaroneck Blvd). Most recent instance occurred on 07/24/2009.
  • Westchester County, Millwood: Drops occur on the Taconic State Parkway just south of the JCT with NY-100 and NY-133 (near where the truck accident scene for the movie "The Seven Ups" was filmed). Most recent instance occurred on 11/16/2008.
  • Westchester County, Mount Pleasant: Calls drop on the Taconic State Parkway just south of the JCT of NY-117. Most recent instance occurred on 07/21/2009.
  • Westchester County, North Castle: Mute/drop instances occur on I-684 approximately a mile south of the JCT of NY-120 (which is Exit 2 for Westchester County airport). Most recent instance occurred on 12/15/2009.
  • Westchester County, Ossining: AT&T Wireless calls drop approximately five miles north of the Hawthorn interchange on the Taconic Parkway at Mile Marker 10.3, which is Pinebridge Road (this drop appears to be part of a series of drops on the Taconic State Parkway from five miles north of the Hawthorn interchange all the way up to I-84, where Dobson Cellular begins coverage) and in the vicinity of NY-133. Most recent instance occurred on 08/11/2009.
  • Westchester County, Pelham: Drops occur while driving on I-95 just west of Exit 15. Most recent instance occurred on 05/19/2009.
  • Westchester County, Peekskill: AT&T Wireless calls drop on Highland Ave / US-202 / US-6 / "The Goat Path" between the US-9 rotary and the Bear Mountain Bridge, or more specifically, about 1/2 mile south of the overlook/rest area. Most recently observed on: 08/01/2018.
  • Westchester County, Hutchinson (Merritt) Parkway around Purchase, NY, near the CT border: AT&T Wireless calls which are initiated near the JCT of the Hutchinson River Parkway, I-287 and I-684, in the general area of Purchase, attenuate while approaching the CT border and drop shortly after passing the Greenwich rest stop on the Merritt Parkway. Last occurred on 03/26/2007. (As of 10/31/2008, this drop appears to be fixed, as does an entire stretch from just south of Exit 22 for Mamaroneck Rd. in New York on the Hutchinson River Parkway continuously into the state of Connecticut and then up to (at least) Mile Marker 22/Exit 49 in the Fairfield/Trumbull area. Should continued drive tests indicate that these drops have been permanently resolved, this drop will be moved to the Corrected Items section of this list.)
  • Westchester County, Larchmont: Drops occur while travelling on NY-125/Weaver St at the JCT with Rockland Ave. Most recent instance occurred on 05/19/2009.
  • Westchester County, Scarsdale: Coverage drops on the Hutchinson River Parkway between Exit 27 and Exit 28, slightly south of the Mamaroneck Rd. interchange. Most recent instance occurred on 10/26/2009.
  • Westchester County, Scarsdale: Near the Metro North/Scarsdale station on the Harlem Division, the uplink connection will tend to mute, especially traveling north after leaving the station. The connection is not dropped, the uplink (and perhaps the downlink as well) appears to go mute. Most recently observed on 11/14/2006.
  • Westchester County, Shrub Oak: While driving on the Taconic State Parkway, AT&T calls drop at Mile Marker 18.5 at the JCT with NY-132 and US-6 (this drop appears to be part of a series of drops on the Taconic State Parkway from five miles north of the Hawthorn interchange all the way up to I-84, where the ATTWS Mid-Hudson (ex-Dobson Cellular) system begins coverage). Most recent instance occurred on 07/10/2016
  • Westchester County, White Plains: AT&T Wireless drops occur just south of the North White Plains train station. The connection is stable at the Valhalla station which precedes the North White Plains station when traveling south. Just south of the Valhalla station calls quickly attenuate and drop. Most recent instance occurred on 12/30/2015
  • Westchester County, Yonkers: AT&T Wireless calls drop while driving on the Sprain Brook Parkway just south of the Jackson Ave overpass, near the north end of the Sprain Lake Reservoir (where the NB and SB lanes diverge heading south). With 4G/LTE/data connections, there is a period of about 20 seconds of packet loss (@ ~75 MPH), which results in audio drops and packet loss, although the connection holds (if one is driving fast enough). Most recent instance occurred on 05/07/2023.
  • Westchester County, Yonkers: AT&T Wireless calls drop from the Bronx/Westchester County line up to the Cross County Parkway. The signal becomes very weak and calls cannot be placed or received. Most recent instance occurred on 02/04/2009. Please see the Bronx section of this list (above) for adjoining drops on the Bronx River Parkway in Bronx County.
  • Westchester County, Yorktown: Calls drop on the Taconic State Parkway near Mile Marker 12 while crossing over the Croton Reservoir, which is about four miles north of the JCT with NY-134. Calls drop upon reaching the south side of the (newer) southbound bridge, or when heading uphill from the (older) northbound bridge. With 4G/LTE, calls tend to mute out and lose all audio for maybe 15 to 20 seconds over the center of the bridges, if not drop completely. Data sessions (or even just pings) will drop out (pinging will stop) for an extended period of time, more so in the southbound direction, all the way from the southbound bridge, up the hill, and towards Millwood and the Millwood overpass for NY-100. Most recent instance occurred on 03/30/2023.
  • Westchester County, Yorktown Heights: Drops occur at Mile Marker 16.8, which is about a mile and half south of the JCT with NY-35 and US-202 (this drop appears to be part of a series of drops on the Taconic State Parkway from five miles north of the Hawthorn interchange all the way up to I-84, where Dobson Cellular begins coverage). Most recent instance occurred on 10/04/2007.
  • Westchester County, Yorktown: AT&T Wireless call drops occur while driving on the Taconic Parkway at Baldwin Rd/Exit 14. Sometimes audio calls drop completely (requiring a re-dial), while at other times the audio blanks out for 10 to 15 seconds (while driving at 70 or so) and then resumes. This has been a problem area since 2009, and still even with 4G/LTE and all, it's never been corrected, and shows you can have a very fancy network, but if the coverage fundamentals aren't there, the rest is worthless. Most recent instance occurred on 06/24/2023.
  • Pennsylvania
  • Bucks County, Bristol: AT&T Wireless drops occur on I-95 at Mile Marker 41.9. The calling or called party will hear the call become weak and attenuated, shortly after which time calls drop completely. Most recent instance occurred on 05/14/2007.
  • Chester County, West Nottingham: AT&T Wireless drops calls along US-1 near the JCT with PA-272. Drops occur on US-1 at Mile Marker 1.5, which is 1.5 miles north of the Maryland border, near the exit for PA-272/Nottingham. Drops are irregular; perhaps 40-50% of the time calls transition the area without drops (but with some noticeable audio attenuation); the remainder of the time calls drop outright. These ATT drops occur at all hours of the day (including late at night, so it doesn't appear to be a congestion issue), and during all seasons (so it doesn't appear to be related to the foliage on trees and the water contained therein blocking/affecting ATT's signal; the same drop occurred on 03/15/2017, when there were no leaves on the trees in the area, and then on 06/07/2017, when the trees were fully foliated). Most recent instance occurred on 06/07/2017.
  • Dauphin County, Harrisburg: While driving on I-83 between Mile Marker 11 and Mile Marker 9, several drops occur and coverage is generally very poor. Most recent instance occurred on 08/31/2010.
  • Delaware County, Chadds Ford: Calls drop while traveling either northbound or southbound on US-1 at the JCT with Independence Way, approximately five miles south of the JCT with US-202. Most recent instanced occurred on 01/06/2008.
  • Delaware County, Concordville: AT&T Wireless drops occur at the JCT of US-1 and Creek Rd. Most recent instance occurred on 08/30/2010.
  • Delaware County, Concordville: A mute issue occurs on US-322 approximately half a mile north of Creek Parkway as both sides will mute out. However, the connection does not drop. Service seems to work properly upon reaching Creek Parkway. Most recent instance occurred on 08/26/2010.
  • Lackawanna County, Scranton: AT&T Wireless calls drop along I-81 at Mile Marker 173, around the area where I-81 crosses over (but has no interchange with) Westminster Rd. The drop is relatively sudden, wit little of the usual "GSM-attenuation" which normally occurs before a call drops. Most recent instance occurred on 09/14/2016.
  • Luzerne County, Dorrance: Drops occur on I-81 at Mile Marker 153, which is just north of where I-81 crosses over and intersects with I-80. Drops occur while travelling over a hill. Most recent instance occurred on 08/31/2010.
  • Montgomery County, Merion: AT&T Wireless drops occur while driving on US-322 just after passing Merion Dr. Most recent instance occurred on 08/28/2010.
  • Pike County, Bushkill (Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area): AT&T Wireless calls drop along US-209/Federal Road from the junction with Broadhead Road to the north to the JCT with Bushkill Falls Rd., a few miles to the south, at Mile Marker 18. (Previously, the drop/no coverage area was more extensive, from Broadhead Rd. southwards to where US-209 crosses Suzie Creek and US-209's name changes to Milford Road, where coverage resumed, for a distance of about 5 miles. As of 2018, the coverage has improved, and there is only a short area of no coverage and thus one drop near MM18/Bushkill Falls Rd.) AT&T Wireless actually has the best coverage along US-209 in the Water Gap Rec Area, with only this one drop; Verizon and Sprint each have two, and T-Mobile (typically) has little to no coverage at all and is utterly useless along the Water Gap Park section of US-209. Drop posted 10/20/2015, last occurred: 10/22/2018.
  • Pike County, Port Jervis: AT&T Wireless drops calls along I-84 in the Port Jervis area, generally near the NY/NJ/PA border in the area of Mile Marker 53 (in PA) of I-84. AT&T calls drop in either east or west of MM53, which, to the east, could be either in NY State or NJ, but for the sake of simplicity and since the drops seem to occur predominantly in PA, this ATT call drop is listed here in the Pennsylvania section. Last observed: 09/10/2016.
  • Schuylkill County, Delano: AT&T Wireless drops occur on I-81 at Mile Marker 135, which is approximately ten miles south of the JCT of I-81 and I-80. Most recent instance occurred on 08/31/2010.
  • Westmorland County, Ligonier: Poor to no AT&T Wireless coverage on PA-31, between JCT PA-381 heading eastward to Laurel Summit (on PA-31). At Laurel Summit heading east (down the hill) coverage is generally better, but both voice and data calls will generally drop heading westward from the summit going to and past the JCT with PA-381. Last observed: 05/05/2015
  • Rhode Island
  • Kent County, West Greenwich: AT&T Wireless drops occur while driving on I-95 between Mile Marker 14 and Mile Marker 16 near the JCT of I-95 and RI-3 (which is the exit is for West Greenwich and Coventry). Most recent instance occurred on 08/09/2007.
  • Vermont
  • Windham County, Marlboro/Hogback Mountain: AT&T Wireless coverage drops just east of the scenic overlook along VT-9 at Hogback Mountain, and doesn't resume again until just west of Brattleboro. Essentially, for about 15 or so miles along VT-9, AT&T customers (and T-Mobile as well, since T-Mobile generally roams on AT&T Wireless in the area) have no coverage on the souternmost east-west road in Vermont, which is heavily used to/from Wilmington and the ski resorts in the area. Most recently observed 10/01/2016.
  • Virginia
  • Albemarle County, Greenwood: AT&T Wireless calls drop when driving south on I-95 at approximately Mile Marker 87 or 88, about two miles north of Exit 86. The drop does not seem to occur when driving in the northbound. Upon reaching Mile Marker 88 and certainly after passing Mile Marker 86 for I-295. Most recent instance occurred on 02/25/2009.
  • Arlington County, Arlington (Pentagon City): There is no/poor AT&T Wireless coverage on the first or second floors of Pentagon City Mall. Most recent instance occurred on 11/20/2007.
  • Arlington County/City: AT&T Wireless calls drop on I-66 near the JCT with US-29 and the Spout Run Parkway (which heads to the GW Memorial Parkway), close to where the Giant Supermarket abuts I-66, at approx Mile Market 72.5. Most recent instance occurred on 09/27/2015.
  • Fairfax County, Fair Oaks: AT&T Wireless calls drop exiting I-66 west and transitioning onto the Fairfax County Parkway (VA-286, old VA-7100) northbound. Drop has been on and off for over 10 years, but still common as of late 2015. Most recent instance occurred on 02/05/2016.
  • Fairfax County, McLean: AT&T Wireless calls drop while driving on the George Washington Memorial Parkway approximately one mile north of the JCT of VA-123. This is still going on after the 3G transition to 4G/LTE - calls drop heading north after VA-123 near the Turkey Run Park turnoffs. Most recent instance occurred on 04/16/2023.
  • Fairfaix County, McLean: AT&T Wireless drops occur just south of McLean while driving on VA-309/Old Dominion Dr at the JCT with VA-695. Most recent instance occurred on 08/25/2010.
  • Fairfaix County, McLean: ATT calls drop just south of McLean on VA-309/Old Dominion Rd at the JCT with VA-120/Glebe Rd. Most recent instance occurred on 08/25/2010.
  • Fairfax County, McLean: Drops occur on VA-309 right at the Arlington/Fairfax County Line. Most recent instance occurred on 09/22/2010.
  • Fairfax County, Fairfax: Drops occur while driving either eastbound or westbound on I-66 at Mile Marker 68 the JCT with US-29. Most recent instance occurred on 12/03/2007.
  • Fairfax County, Reston: Drops occur on VA-7 approximately five miles east of Dulles Airport and approximately a mile west of the JCT of VA-7 and VA-606/Baron Cameron Ave. The drop occur where VA-7 intersects Bishops Gate Way. Calls become very attenuated and very distorted and subsequently drop. Most recent instance occurred on 12/08/2009.
  • Frederick County, Point of Rocks: Drops occur while driving on US-15 right at the Virginia side of the VA/MD state line. Most recent instance occurred on 09/28/2009.
  • Loudoun County, Leesburg: Drops occur just west of Leesburg when driving on VA-7 at the JCT with VA-9. Most recent instance occurred on 06/07/2009.
  • Loudoun County, Leesburg: Drop occur at the JCT of VA-633 and US-15. Most recent instance occurred on 09/28/2009.
  • Loudoun County, Round Hill: AT&T calls drop and coverage is very poor on VA-7 between the JCT of VA-7 and VA-679 and the JCT of VA-7 and VA-604. The drops occur in the vicinity of Round Hill, approximately fifteen miles west of Leesburg and about ten miles east of West Virginia at the crest of a hill. ATT Wireless coverage is significantly poorer on the western most segment of VA-7 from Leesburg westward to West Virginia than Verizon or even Nextel. Most recent instance occurred on 06/07/2009.
  • Prince William County, Manassas: AT&T Wireless calls drop just north of the Civil War Battlefield Park on VA-234 (which is approximately two or three miles north of the JCT of VA-234 and Lee Highway/US-29), where the speed limit rises from 35mph to 50mph. Most recent instance occurred on 08/26/2008.
  • Prince William County, Manassas: Drops occur at the JCT of VA-234 and Lee Highway/US-29. Most recent instance occurred on 08/26/2008.
  • Richmond: AT&T drops occur at Mile Marker 172 on I-64 just west of Richmond while driving over a very slight crest in a hill. Most recent instance occurred on 02/28/2010.
  • Stafford County, Falmouth: AT&T drops occur while driving on US-17 at the JCT of VA-736, which is slightly northwest of the JCT of US-17 and I-95. Most recent instance occurred on 08/30/2009.
  • Washington DC
  • DC/Maryland Line: AT&T calls drops while driving along Western Ave. between Beach Dr. and Broad Branch Rd. and then, continuing on towards Sibley Hospital, the area generally suffers from poor coverage. Most recent instance occurred on 10/10/2007.
  • Capitol Hill: AT&T Wireless calls drop while travelling south on 1st St while passing between the Capitol Building and the Supreme Court. Most recent instance occurred on 07/08/2010.

  • Corrected Problems

    The following were problem drop areas but have apparently been corrected and/or no longer suffer from regular/repeated drops:



    • Anne Arundel County, Annapolis: AT&T Wireless calls drop on the inner loop of the Capital Beltway at the JCT of US-50. Most recent instance occurred on 07/10/2008; appears to have been corrected as of 02/15/2021.
    • Anne Arundel County, Annapolis: Calls drop while driving on US-50 at Exit 28 (which is for Bay Dale Dr.). Most recent instance occurred on 09/26/2007; appears to have been corrected as on 02/15/2021.
    • Baltimore County, Baltimore area: AT&T Wireless calls drop while driving on I-95 just north of Baltimore near Aberdeen at exit 85 where I-95 intersects MD-22. Calls mute out and then drop quickly in that area, although the connection has four bars. Most recent instance occurred on 03/15/2009.
    • Baltimore County, Baltimore: Drops occur on I-83 eleven miles north of the Baltimore Beltway/I-695. Most recent instance occurred on 07/21/2006; appears to have been corrected as of 09/15/2016.
    • Baltimore County, Baltimore: Drops occur on the Baltimore Beltway (I-695) between Exits 13 and 12, near JCT I-70, which is about 4 miles north of the southern JCT of I-695 and I-95. (On 10/11/2007, a call placed from I-70 up the inner loop to I-95 held continuously without the above drop, however, this was only one try and further tests will be needed before this drop can be moved to the Corrected Drops area.) Most recent instance occurred on 01/11/2007; appears to have been corrected as of 09/15/2016.
    • Cecil County, Rising Sun: On MD-155, AT&T drops occur between the JCT of MD-156 and MD-161 (which is near Havre de Grace). Most recent instance occurred on 06/01/2007. Appears to have been corrected as of 11/17/2009.
    • Cecil County, Rising Sun: AT&T Wireless calls drop approximately one mile south of the Connowingo Dam on US-1 while driving either northbound or southbound as US-1 reaches a crest. Calls will drop upon reaching the apex of crest. Last occurred on 11/25/2007. Appears to have been corrected as of 11/17/2009.
    • Frederick County, Urbana: While driving on I-270 and approaching the JCT with MD-80 on the way to Frederick, calls deteriorate very quickly and then drop altogether at Mile Marker 25. The drops occur while driving either east or west. Most recent instance occurred on 08/30/2007, corrected as of 05/31/2019.
    • Harford County, Havre de Grace: AT&T Wireless calls (and data connections) drop while driving on MD-155 just north of the JCT I-95, and for calls which were initiated on I-95 which transition to MD-155 north. Shortly after crossing over I-95 and heading up MD-155's slight hill, ATT Wireless service begins to atennuate and drop by the first intersection (North Earlton Road). A similar drop along MD-155 occurs in the southbound direction at the JCT with Paradise Rd, in the same general area as the northbound MD-155 drop. In both cases, calls will not transition on AT&T Wireless between US-1 and I-95. Most recent instance occurred on 05/25/2016, corrected as of 01/04/2017.
    • Montgomery County, Gaithersburg: Calls drop while driving west on I-270 in the vicinity of Exit 15/Exit 15B. Calls slowly degrade and then drop. Most recent instance occurred on 05/31/2007, corrected as of 05/31/2019.
    • Montgomery County, Colesville: While driving on MD-28/Norbeck Rd. at the JCT of MD-115/Muncaster Mill Rd. heading either east or west, calls degrade about a mile west of that junction and will drop about two miles west of that position. Most recent instance occurred on 07/12/2007, corrected as of 05/31/2019.
    • Montgomery County, Rockville: Calls go mute while driving on I-270 at the JCT of I-270 and MD-189. Most recent instance occurred on 12/02/2010, corrected as of 05/31/2019.

    • Franklin County, Bernardston: Drops occur on I-91 at the Vermont/Massachusetts border. Most recent instance occurred on 10/13/2009. Appears to have been corrected as of 05/23/2010.
    • Middlesex County, Natick: AT&T calls drop on I-90/Mass Pike near the Natick exit. Generally, while traveling east, calls attenuate on the slight incline prior to the downhill grade leading to the Natick exit. By the time callers pass the exit ramp for Natick, GSM calls will drop. Most recent instance occurred on 09/23/2006. This problem appears to have been fixed as of 03/11/2007.
    New Jersey

    • Mercer County, Princeton: Mute instances occur on US-1 at the JCT with Harrison St. ATT Wireless users can be plainly heard but cannot hear the other party. Most recent instance occurred on 07/09/2009; appears corrected as of 06/06/2017.

    New York

    • Columbia County, Boston Corners: AT&T Wireless voice calls drop on NY-22 at the Dutchess/Columbia County Line, and (heading northward), remains wihout any appreciable coverage for approx 5 miles. NY-22 is the only major N/S road in the eastern section of these counties (since I-684 was never built that far north) and the lack of coverage in the area is not only an inconvenience but a potential safety issue for motorists driving on NY-22 in the area. Last occurred: 07/20/2015. Appears to have been corrected as of 08/15/2018.
    • Dutchess County, Amenia: AT&T Wireless calls drop along NY-343 at the JCT with CTY-2/Leedsville Road. While driving east (towards Connecticut), or west (towards Amenia), calls will not hand off along CT-343 despite generally good coverage in the area. Most recent instance occurred on: 06/28/2019. Appears to have been corrected as of 10/22/2022, but there are still audio mutes and packet loss while driving E/W along NY-343 in the area of CTY-2, as of 08/20/2023.
    • Dutchess County, East Fishkill: AT&T Wireless calls drop on NY-82 approximately halfway between the JCT with the Taconic State Parkway and the JCT with Cranberry Rd. Most recent instance occurred on 09/27/2009. Appears to have been corrected as of 12/28/2016.
    • Dutchess County, East Fishkill/Beekman: Calls drop on the Taconic Parkway in the vicinity of at Mile Marker 41.7, near the exit for Beekman Rd. Most recent instance occurred on 09/01/2009.
    • Dutchess County, East Fishkill: Calls on the former Dobson Cellular network drop while traveling in either direction on NY-82 between the JCT's of the Taconic Parkway and CTY-21. Most recent instance occurred on 08/12/2008. Appears to have been corrected as of 12/28/2016.
    • Dutchess County, LaGrange/Salt Point: AT&T Wireless calls drop on US-44 while heading east off the Taconic State Parkway between the JCT of the Taconic State Parkway and US-44 and the JCT of US-44 and NY-82, just prior to the NYS Police barracks at US-44/NY-82. Calls attenuate quickly and subsequently drop just before reaching the New York State Police barracks. This drop used to occur with Dobson Cellular, and has continued subseqeunt to their purcahse by AT&T Wireless. Most recent instance occurred on 03/08/2009.
    • Dutchess County, Millerton: ATT calls drop on NY-22 at the JCT of CTY-5, just south of the town limits of Millerton. Last occurred on 11/01/2014. Appears to have been corrected as of 10/22/2022.
    • Dutchess County: Handoff failures occur while traveling either eastbound or westbound on I-84 between the JCT with the Taconic Parkway at Mile Marker 52 and the rest area located at Mile Marker 55. Calls initiated while traveling west on I-84 will hold while driving up the hill and heading towards the police barracks and the rest area, but will drop while coming down the hill. The phone will then display Dobson PCS. However, if the call is initiated on Dobson in Poughkeepsie and driving west on I-84, it will hold while passing the rest area and going up the hill, but subsequently drop while going back down the hill. Most recent instance occurred on 07/03/2007. Appears to have been correct by 08/15/2016.
    • Putnam County, Carmel: Calls drop at Mile Marker 25 on the Taconic Parkway (this drop appears to be part of a series of drops on the Taconic State Parkway from five miles north of the Hawthorn interchange all the way up to I-84, where Dobson Cellular begins coverage). Most recent instance occurred on 09/13/2007; appears to be corrected as of 02/01/2019.
    • Putnam County, Carmel/Peekskill Hollow: AT&T Wireless calls drop at the JCT of the Taconic State Parkway and Peekskill Hollow Rd. at Mile Marker 26.9 on the Taconic Parkway. Most recent instance occurred on 07/10/2016; appears to be corrected as of 02/01/2019.
    • Queens County - Queens: Calls drop when driving on I-495 between Exit 30 and Exit 31, near the Springfield Blvd. exit/entrance ramps. Most recent instance occurred on 07/16/2014; appears to have been corrected as of 11/22/2016.
    • Putnam County, Peekskill Hollow: ATT drops occur on the Taconic State Parkway at Mile Marker 23.5 just before reaching the exit for Bryant Hill Rd. (this drop appears to be part of a series of drops on the Taconic State Parkway from five miles north of the Hawthorn interchange all the way up to I-84, where Dobson Cellular begins coverage). Most recent instance occurred on 11/23/2008, appears to have been corrected as of January 2016.


    • Chester County, West Grove: Drops occur while driving on US-1 at Mile Marker 13, which is approximately half a mile south of the JCT of US-1 and PA-841. Most recent instance occurred on 11/07/2010.


    • Windham County, Brattleboro: AT&T Wireless calls drop at the JCT of I-91 and US-5 at Exit 1. Calls initiated in downtown Brattleboro and continuing along US-5 south to the Exit 1 junction with I-91 will tend to attennuate near the Price Chopper, and by the time I-91 is reached will drop approximately 50% of the time. Most recently observed: 08/22/2015


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    Last modified/©: 12/26/2024